Chapter 17

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I fix my hair in front of the mirror while humming a tune with a smile on my face. I give my reflection a look over, damn this new kimono is nice. The kimono in question is my new teaching attire that I requested when I was accepted to teach at Jujutsu High. The kimono is black in color with gold accents scattered around it. The outfit itself is more on the casual side but with the color combination, it looks more like a fancy semi-formal kimono. Which is nice, since I'm probably gonna fight in this thing and black usually doesn't look too dirty when I get into a scuffle.

'You look really dashing darling~.' I chuckled and gave myself one last look in the mirror. "Thank you dear, I'm glad you like it. We're matching now huh?" I grab my bag that's filled with some papers and stationary before exiting my room. 'Yup! That was sweet of you to match your outfit with mine when they offered to customize it. Ah~ I can already imagine how cool my husband will look when he teaches and fights~." I chuckled from hearing Tamamo's gushing over me before grabbing an apple from my dinner table and start making my way to Jujutsu High.

The walk to the school was a nice and peaceful one. I greeted some of my neighbors, visited the old lady's shop to buy some snacks and enjoyed the beautiful morning. Arriving at the school, I first have to go to the principal's office to get some briefing and my schedule. The school is still empty this time of the day, though I can enjoy this quietness later, Mr. Yaga is probably waiting for me.

I knock on the door to Mr. Yaga's office and opens the door. "Morning teach!" I waved at the man sitting on the desk, he raised his head and smiled before inviting me in. "So, which class am I gonna teach?" I take a seat on the chair across from him as he pours me some tea. "You're really excited huh? That's good, having a teacher with that attitude is always nice." I chuckled and took a sip of the tea. "Kei, you'll be teaching and handling the second-years." I nod my head and lean more on the chair. "The kids Satoru teached last year, right?" Mr. Yaga nodded his head while grabbing some papers from his drawers, he then handed me those papers. "That's your schedule and the classroom you'll be teaching." I fold the papers and put them in my bag before nodding my head. "Alright, I'll be taking my leave then, thanks teach." I bow my head and stand up, but before I can walk to the door Mr. Yaga called my name. I turned my head to him with a raised eyebrow. "Don't slack off like Satoru okay?" I grin and give him a thumbs up before walking out of his office.

I read my schedule as I walk to the class. A curse energy class for first period, then math, and finally combat training for the final period. Seems easy enough, I'm sure those kids are gonna sweep through them just fine. I open the door to the class and set my stuff on my desk, though I notice dust on it. I then look around the room and notice more dust, I sigh in annoyance and go grab a broom and some cleaning appliances from the janitor's room. I then begin cleaning the class from dust and wiping every desk and chairs with a cleaning cloth.

After 30 minutes or so, I finally finished cleaning the class. I stand in front of the class with my broom and cleaning cloth admiring my work, pretty impressive if I say so myself. As I was admiring my handy work, the door opens. I turned my head to the now opened door and saw my students looking at me like I was a curse or something. I give them a smile and a wave. "Morning kids! Hope you're excited as I am with a class this clean." Yuta, Panda, Maki, and Toge are still standing near the door with perplexed faces until Panda breaks the ice.

"Kitsuroku-san?!" I nod my head and look at them as my smile grows. "Yup! The one and only Kitsuroku Kei-sensei is here!" I put my free hand on my hip and hold the broom like a spear. "Sensei? Wait, you're the new teacher?!" I just grin and nod my head from Maki's question. "Mhm, I'm your new sensei from here on out." The students then enter the class and take their seats, I put the broom near my desk. "Since we're already acquainted from before, how about we start the lesson?" The students takes their seats and grab their notebooks. "Today we're gonna learn about curse energy. But, I'm sure you all already know much about it from Satoru. So, today I'm gonna teach you guys how to maximize and improvise with your techniques to get different results in a fight."

I put my hand out and summoned a small lightning ball. "Sorcerers mostly use one form of their technique, which is fine on its own but there's nothing wrong with having a bit of fun, no?" I move my hand into a grabbing position and the lightning ball turns into a sword before swiftly changing it to a spear. "See? Why stop at a small ball when you can turn it into other objects?" I then dispel the lighting, "We sorcerers are not bound by anything, just our imagination. So, if I was immobilized by an enemy and couldn't use my hands for my techniques. I can just imagine using my lighting from the space behind the enemy, like this." I summon two lightning bolts in the air and move them around. "Techniques don't always have to be used by our hands, like for example the Kamo clan's blood manipulation. If the user is smart and creative with the way they use the technique, they can easily manipulate the blood inside of the enemy's body or if the user is injured, they can harden their own blood to make an armor." The students nod their heads and are really interested in the subject I'm teaching. Heh this is a nice feeling, having the kids paying attention to what I'm saying.

The lesson goes on for another hour or so with the students asking various questions on the subject. The bell then goes off, signaling that the class is over and the students get to go on a break. "Alright students, go on and enjoy your break. I'll see you guys later in math." The kids started leaving the class except for Yuta, he stayed behind. I walk up to him and lean on a desk beside him. "Anything wrong kiddo?" He jumped a bit before shaking his head and chuckling quietly. "A-ah nothing's wrong sensei, I'm just thinking about the lesson earlier."

"Anything you didn't understand?" I fold my arms while looking at the boy. "Well, I'm still a bit confused about how to apply it to my technique. Since I still don't really understand it myself and the result of my copies are way inferior to the original." He said the last part with defeat in his voice and he slumped down on his desk. "Ah, you don't have to worry about that Yuta-kun, you're still learning after all. Remember, the limit is your imagination. If you can grasp that concept and train yourself, you're gonna be copying techniques just by looking and analyzing them. But, I recommend trying to learn how to use your curse energy in different and efficient ways first. If you can do that, then move to perfecting your copies. No need to rush, take it step by step okay?" Yuta raises his head and looks at me after hearing that. "I'll do that sensei, thank you." I pat his head and walk back to my desk. "Why don't you join your friends? I'm sure they're waiting for you kiddo." He nods his head while thanking me again as he exits the class.

I take a seat on my chair and lean back. I close my eyes and release a sigh before opening my eyes again as I sense someone coming, I face the door and wait for the person. The door opens with a loud bang as Satoru grins at me. "Yo newbie! How's your first day?" I sigh again and fold my arms. "It went well Satoru, thank you for asking. How're the first-years?" He laughs and takes a seat on one of the desks, which infuriates me a bit because I have to clean it again later. "Megumi's doing fine, we're gonna go for some training later."

"Only Megumi? There's no other student? And you better not take him somewhere dangerous." I look at him with a stern expression as he just laughs. "I won't take him anywhere dangerous, promise! And the other first-year is coming here in a couple of weeks, so it's just Megumi for now."

"Good, I don't want you sending students out to some place dangerous like you did with Yuta-kun." A sheepish laugh came out of Satoru's mouth as he rubbed the back of his head. "Hehe, that was a one-time thing Kei. I won't do it again, probably." He said the last part quietly while looking away at me. "Anyways! I'm here to tell you something Kei." I tilt my head to the side and signal him to continue. "The higher ups have been worrying about Sukuna's fingers that's being scattered around." The king of curses' fingers? Why are they being scattered around? "Do they tell you more besides Sukuna's finger getting scattered? Like who is spreading them or something?" He shakes his head and sighs. "No, they just know that the fingers have been popping up recently and curses are looking for it as well to boost their powers. The school has some already being kept in the hidden storage but there's still about 10 or more out there."

"That's concerning. I'll keep my eyes open for them." This sounds like a big problem, if something were to happen and Sukuna gets revived. I don't even want to imagine what would happen if he lives again. "Anyways, I have other news to tell ya."

'What is it?" He gets off from the desk and walks to the door. "Yuta's gonna leave for Africa with Miguel to look for the black rope and to train in a couple of days." Well that's unexpected and out of the blue, is that why Yuta's so concerned about his copy technique? "Man, I just became a teacher and I'm already gonna lose one of my students? That sucked." 

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