Chapter 18

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Now me and my students are standing in the middle of the field in the school, I face them with a smile on my face as my kimono swayed from the wind. "Alright, we're gonna do some combat exercises!" I can see the excitement from the students' faces as they prepare their weapons. "Today I'm gonna test your combat abilities and if you all fail, you guys are gonna clean that one dirty bathroom near the dorms!" The students' excited faces dropped and disgust now painted their faces.

"It's gonna be very simple," I pull out two small bells from my pocket and dangle it in the air, "all you guys have to do is touch or take this bell from me. You can use your techniques and attack me and to make it fair I'm not gonna move from this circle or use my tails for this." I point at a circle on the ground around me with and look at the students with a grin. "Come at me with the intention to kill kids."

The smug grin on my face seemed to really agitate Maki as she started running towards me with her spear. I easily dodge the attack and kick her spear to the side. "Sloppy. Think before you act Maki-chan, you're gonna get injured or killed if you rush recklessly like that." I move my head to the side as Panda's fist pass my head. "Good job Panda, you almost hit me with that sneak attack. Next time though, always be ready for the enemy to dodge and counter your attack." I swept his legs and he fell to the ground. "Oh! And if you guys manage to touch or take the bell, I'm gonna treat you guys to some food."

I look towards Yuta and Toge who are still standing on the same spot. "You two are not gonna join?" I asked as I dodge another attack from Maki as Toge unzipped the collar of his uniform. I smile as I prepare myself to withstand his technique. "Don't move!" I feel my body stiffen for a second and I sense Yuta, Maki and Panda rushing carelessly to attack me. I weave my body at the last second and manage to dodge them and hit the back of their heads. "That was good but remember to keep your heads cool and calm. Don't be reckless." The three students jump back and plan out a strategy.

'Don't be too harsh on them darling~, I don't want you to accidentally hurt them.' I chuckle and close my eyes as I fold my arms. "Don't worry about it dear, I'm just gauging their skills and see where they can improve." I open my eyes again and the students are nowhere to be seen. "Oohh a team sneak attack? Interesting."

I let my senses do the work as I relax my body to feel my surroundings. I look at a nearby tree and smirk as I hear rustling coming from it. Looks like I found one, now where are the other three? I get my answer when I feel someone's presence behind me. I stayed calm and ducked to dodge a sword, as the blade sliced the place where my head was. When I straighten my body up, I see Panda charging at me but he's not panda-shaped anymore. The gorilla-looking Panda reels his arm back and punches the air in front of me, launching an air blast at me. I cover my face with my arm and when I drop my arms, I have to move my hips to the side as Maki's hand tries grabbing the bells that are hanging from my pants but fails. "Close one there, good job! You guys are improving quickly! Keep it up." I clap my hands and smile.

This goes on for hours and the fatigue is clearly catching up to them because now they are sitting down on the ground in a small circle with sweat and dirt on their faces. They are planning something huh? I guess it's gonna involve Toge's cursed speech again but I don't know how they're gonna pull it off, this is getting a bit exciting. "Is that all? I thought Satoru taught you guys how to fight. Oh well, I guess it's all useless huh?" After hearing my taunt, they get back up again. "There we go~." Yuta rushes to attack me with his sword but when he was about to hit me, he changed his movement and ran around me like when he fought Suguru back then. Panda and Maki soon join and start attacking me, I dodge the attacks but something feels off about their attack pattern this time around. When I lean back to dodge Panda's punch, Yuta yells out a command. "Now! Inumaki-kun!"

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