Chapter 20

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"Alright kids, enjoy your break. I'll see you guys later in training." I wave and smile as the students exit the class, I put the paper from the previous period into my bag and put it inside my desk drawer. I look outside and see the sun shining bright and the wind feels nice today. I'm gonna take a stroll around and enjoy this peaceful morning. I grab my phone from my desk and exit the class.

My peaceful stroll brought me to the principal's building. I look at the building and admire the architecture, I never notice how intricate the details are. The more you know I guess. As I was about to continue my stroll, I saw Satoru and the kid from last night, Sukuna's vessel, walking to the principal's office. Satoru grins and waves at me while calling my name, time to say goodbye to my peaceful morning stroll I guess. I face them and lazily wave back at him.

"Kei! Great timing! I want you to meet our new first-year student, Itadori Yuji-kun!" He wraps his arm around the boy's shoulder and grins while the kid bows as he introduce himself. "My name is Itadori Yuji! I like girls like Jeniffer Lawrance! Nice to meet you sir!" I chuckle and bow a little after his introduction. "Nice to meet you Yuji-kun. I'm Kitsuroku Kei, a teacher for the second-years here and you have a nice taste in girls, kid. I respect that." He seems to physically beam in happiness when I compliment his taste in girls, I chuckle again before looking at Satoru. "So I'm guessing he's gonna be interviewed?"

"Yup! And Yuji if you mess up, you might get rejected for admission. So stay frosty okay?" Hearing this, Yuji looks at Satoru with a surprised look on his face while pointing a finger at himself. "What?! And I get executed right away?!" As Yuji keeps asking questions about his interview with Satoru, I notice a mouth slowly forming on his cheek. "What a disappointment... I thought you and that fox were the leaders." I put my guard up and looked at the mouth on Yuji's cheek, damn he knew about Tamamo. He's sharp. "A hierarchy not based on strength is boring if you ask me." Yuji then slapped his hand on his cheek to shut the mouth up before he looked at me and Satoru. "Sorry sensei, he comes out sometimes." I can't help but feel uneasy when I hear his voice. "What an interesting body you have now." I see the mouth forming again, this time it's on Yuji's hand. "I owe you a debt after all."

"Not again!" Yuji said in frustration as he looked at the mouth in annoyance. "When I make this kid's body mine, you'll be the first one I kill! Then I'll kill that fox next HAHAHA!" Being targeted by the king of curses... That's one way to enjoy my morning I guess. "Us, a target of the great Sukuna? What an honor! Ain't that right Kei?" I just sigh and cross my arms. "I guess? That's one way to hear that we're strong I guess." Yuji then asks if Sukuna is famous, Satoru starts explaining about Sukuna's backstory to Yuji and I tune them out to talk to Tamamo.

'That was something huh dear? Being targeted by the king of curses.' I ask Tamamo as I look towards the walkway in front of me. 'It sure was darling. I never personally knew him because he lived way before my time but from what I heard he was really strong.' I hum in thought, I wonder how much destruction would be caused if we were to fight. 'Do you think we'll win dear?' At that question Tamamo goes quiet for a bit before answering. 'If we try hard enough then I think we can win. With the amount of curse energy that you have, you can use your domain expansion multiple times before you can feel the fatigue and with reverse curse energy you can technically heal the part of your brain that will get fried when you use too much of your curse energy or your domain. So in the end it'll come down to how you use your techniques, remember the lesson you taught about improvisation darling~ and if Sukuna is as strong as the stories told then you'll need all the skills and experience you've accumulated in order to win. But with your tact and improvisation skills, I'm confident you can win my dear Kei~"

I thank Tamamo for the pep talk before snapping out of my conversation and focusing back on the real world. It seems Satoru is still telling Yuji about Sukuna. We then arrive at the door of the principal's office, Yuji then asks one last question that caught my attention. "Is he stronger than you two?" Satoru then looks at me with a smirk before looking back at Yuji. "If Sukuna were to regain all of his power... it might be a little tough." I nod my head in agreement and close my eyes in thought. "Would you two lose?" I open my eyes again and look at the two as the bell rings, signaling that class is about to start.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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