Chapter 7 : House For Two

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Y/n didn't wake up until after a week. The moment her starry eyes shook open,  she was welcomed by dirty white ceiling. The color wasn't painted as it looked to be originally white. Maybe because it's an old building that the moisture formed up there and others weren't able to reach it to clean.

Something out of Levi's clean standards.

She slowly sat up on the slightly soft bed finally adjusting to quite a few noises. Cough, groans and several people talking. There are no side where she could face peacefully that she felt quite annoyed.

Curtains blinded her from all sides, unable to see the other people talking. But simply by listening to different perspectives, he can tell that she was in some sort of hospital.

She looked at her arms and so several wraps of bandages on both sides as well as the remnants of pain she feels in her head. She blinked twice.

As she hung her feet on the bedside, her small hand touched her beating heart that couldn't help but feel tight and suffocating. It was hard to breathe.

As she pondered about her current health, the curtain was carefully brushes open, entering a brunette man wearing what looks like a lab gown.

A doctor...

Seeing as the girl was awake, there was a glint of surprise on his face, then it shifted softer. Looking quite pleased. "I'm glad you're finally awake. My name is Grisha Jeager, I'm a doctor." He started with a smile.

The girl hummed.

"Your brother will be glad to know that you're finally awake." After mentioning the 'brother' in his sentence, Y/n suddenly had him in her interest. Could it be Farlan? Thinking about that name, her heart was stirred in agony again.

"How is he?" She asked back.

"He's been busy for some time. But don't worry,  he's in good health." He assured.

Y/n tilted her head and hummed. Her body aches both external and internal. There's no spot that didn't feel like she's being crushed to death.

She seemed to have gotten used to physical pain after two centuries so it didn't feel unbearable anymore. But still it's irritating to feel even the littlest ant bites.

"How do you feel?" The doctor asked.

"Not good."

"I see. Where do you hurt? Can you rate that pain for me?"

The girl looked down. "Headache due to concussion. My fever may have been caused by the wounds. The rib fracture is a bit of a problem. But they'll heal. Nothing major." She explained.

"Child, you took words out of my mouth." Grisha chuckled. "Have you learned this somewhere?" He asked.

"Just guessed." She replied a shrug.

"Is that so? Then that concludes that you are very smart." Grisha praised, walking towards her carrying the first aid he had earlier. "Is it alright if I change the bandage on your wound? My assistant is usually the one doing this for you because she is a lady. But it's her day off." He explained.

The girl nodded. Raising both injured hand not paying much mind to it. It's just her arms and feet, there's not much left but closing scars too.


The two had a brief chit chat until the bandages were changed completely. Grisha also didn't take long before leaving as there were other patients waiting to be checked.

Y/n was once again drowned from the noises made behind the curtains, feeling tired and irritated and slept it off. Shutting down her senses easily as she let herself lay comfortably on the bed.

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