25.A Pang of Envy🌿

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The club is dazzling with lights, as people twinkle and dance to the rhythm of the music. The vibrant sounds surround every corner, immersing everyone in an atmosphere of pure exhilaration. Bodies sway together, creating a mesmerizing dance floor spectacle, while others indulge in drinks, quenching their thirst with glasses of various spirits.

Jm couldn't help but hold onto Jeon's sleeve, nervous yet captivated by the vibrant atmosphere of the club. It was a world he had never experienced before. Sensing Jm's nervousness, Jeon took hold of his hand and intertwined their fingers as they made their way towards a private booth.

The seven of them settled onto the plush couch, with Jm seated next to Jeon. A waiter entered the booth to take their orders.

"Wine for me," Sohee said, her eyes fluttering towards the handsome waiter. Secretly, she found him too charming to be just a waiter.

"Tequila for me," Hobi chimed in, with Yug and Joon joining him.

"Soju," Yoongi declared, always preferring Korean alcohol over international brands.

"Beer for me and lemon juice for Jm," Jeon stated, his concern for Jm's pregnancy evident. Lemon juice was known to be beneficial for pregnancy, and Jeon wanted nothing but the best for Jm.

The waiter nodded and left the booth, leaving the others by Jeon's choice of a non-alcoholic beverage for Jm, except for Jm and Joon.

"Why did you order lemon juice for Jm? He's not a child," Yug questioned, looking at Jeon curiously. He's wondering why Jm needs lemon juice instead of a drink.

"He's feeling a little under the weather, so alcohol wouldn't be good for him," Jeon replied, coming up with a quick excuse. Jm nervously bit his lower lip, and looks down when others look at him.

"If he's not feeling well, why did he come with us? He should have stayed home," Sohee filled with envy, commented, her voice tinged with jealousy, unnoticed by the rest of the group. She didn't like how well Jeon was taking care of Jm, like he's someone precious.

"Sohee, don't be," Hobi interjected, before diverting the conversation to lighthearted topics. They started talking about random things, waiting for the waiter to return with their drinks. When he finally did, they all raised their glasses and shared a cheerful toast before indulging in their beverages.

Hobi, always passionate about dancing, decided to hit the dance floor, pulling Yug along with him. Yoongi also joined in, asking Joon to dance with him. The booth was left with Jm, Jeon, and Sohee. Jm felt left out as Jeon and Sohee delved into a conversation about business, a topic unfamiliar to Jm.

Feeling a bit lonely, Jm gazed at the dance floor, watching his friends dance away. His lips twitched into a smile, seeing Joon and Yoongi dancing intimately. But just as he was trying to find solace in their happiness, Sohee tugged at Jeon's hand, urging him to join her on the dance floor. Jm's heart sinks at the sight, jealousy filling in his body.

"I can't leave Jm alone here," Jeon protested, but Sohee interrupted him.

"He's not a child. Nothing will happen to him, right Jm?" She remarked, looking directly at Jm. Jm bit his lower lip, and nods his head. He fights back the tears, feeling disrespected by Sohee's rude tone.

"But—" Jeon tried to argue, but Sohee cut him off.

"Stop being his father and come on, let's dance," She insisted, pulling Jeon away from the booth and towards the dance floor.

Jm let out a sigh and caressed his belly, trying to feel his unborn baby.

"I guess it was a bad idea to come here," Jm murmured to his baby, glancing back at the dance floor. His heart clenched as he saw Sohee's hands wrapped around Jeon's neck, their bodies moving in sync with the music.

Unable to bear the sight, Jm got up from his seat and left the booth, searching bathroom. Pregnancy required frequent bathroom visits.

As he finally found the bathroom, he entered the bathroom, Jm heard some sounds that immediately caught his attention. His eyes widened as he saw two bodies pressed against the wall, engaged in a passionate kiss. Tears welled up in Jm's eye he quickly left the bathroom, without getting any noticed. He walks back into the booth, and put on neutral face, as he waits for the time to leave the club.

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