32.A Daughter's Ultimatum🌿

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A sleek black car screeched to a halt in front of the grand mansion, its tires leaving skid marks on the immaculate driveway. From the driver's seat emerged a man, his once dignified face now contorted with fear and rage. Veins pulsated on his forehead, emphasizing the deep wrinkles that etched his brow as he strode towards the mansion with purpose.

"Yoonji!" His voice boomed through the halls as he entered the opulent house. The sound of his voice sent shivers down the spines of the household staff, for they knew the storm that followed him. Yoonji, rushed into the living room, her expression a mirror of the anger etched on her father's face. Her eyes flashed fire as she remembered the pain her son had endured, pain caused by none other than her own father.

"What?" Her voice cut through the tension, dripping with resentment. Jin recoiled at the sharpness in her tone. Never had she spoken to him in such a manner.

"Watch your tongue, daughter. I heard Jm is back. Where is he?" Jin's anger simmered beneath a forced smile, hoping to keep Yoonji in the dark about his deeds. Little did he know, his daughter was already well aware of the truth.

"Jm is with his husband." Yoonji's words were laced with venom, and Jin's facade crumbled before her darkening gaze.

"He got married? To whom?" Jin's surprise was evident, now aware that his loyal guard had kept him in the dark.

"With Tae's son. But that's not the issue at hand. Why did you cast my son out? Why did you lie to me and subject Jm to such suffering?" Yoonji's voice quivered with restrained fury, her fists clenched in a silent promise of retribution.

"I did it for your happiness. I never cared for him, ever since he was in your womb, he only brought you sorrow. I wanted you with Tae, and his act only created problems, so that's why I did those things. And, I would keep doing anything to ensure your happiness," Jin's words hung heavy in the air, his confession shocking Yoonji so much.

"Jm is my happiness, dad. From the moment he came into this world, he has been my joy, not a burden. If you dare harm my son again, I will sever all ties with you," Yoonji's declaration sliced through Jin's heart, leaving him hollow and exposed.

"You can't. I'm your father," Jin's voice wavered, tears glistening in his eyes.

"I can. I love my son just as you claim to love me," Yoonji's resolve was unwavering as she turned her back on Jin, leaving him to face the consequences of his actions. Alone, Jin wept for the shattered bond between father and daughter, a casualty of his own misguided quest for happiness.

Morning rays fell on Jm's face, and he slowly scrunched his nose. Jeon, who was busy staring at his husband's beautiful face, immediately brought Jm into his arms, not wanting the boy's sleep to get disturbed by harsh sunrays. As Jm fell back into sleep, Jeon's mind wandered through the whirlwind of changes that had swept through their lives in the past few months.

How, it's all started with one passionate, beautiful one-night stand that somehow ended up changing their lives forever. The news of Jm's pregnancy, then living together, adjusting to each other's quirks, and now being married, their journey had been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride.

Jeon, as he laid there holding his sleeping husband, couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions. He never imagined himself getting married so soon, but there was something about Jm that made everything feel right. He couldn't bear the thought of Jm ever being in pain, and so he had readily embraced this new chapter in their lives.

"Hmm," Jm groaned, stirring in his sleep, wanting to be released from his husband's tight embrace. Jeon gazed down at his arms cradling Jm, a soft smile playing on his lips as he admired the man he now called his husband.

"Good morning," Jeon greeted Jm with a smile as his husband slowly opened his eyes, a rosy tint spreading across his cheeks as the reality of being married to Jeon sunk in.

"Morning," Jm replied, still in disbelief of the life they were now living together. Jeon couldn't resist the urge to shower his blushing husband with kisses, starting with soft pecks on Jm's cheeks before moving to capture his lips in a tender kiss. Their intimate moment was interrupted by the growling of Jm's stomach, a clear indication that both he and the baby were hungry.

"Someone is hungry," Jeon teased, earning himself a playful hit from Jm before he helped the pregnant boy up from the bed. Leading Jm to the bathroom, Jeon ensured he was comfortable before disappearing into the kitchen to whip up a hearty breakfast for the two of them.


Here, a new chapter after so long.

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