001. the virus

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    Kill Us All (feat. Denzel Cury) : The      Neighbourhood

"I can't tell you what a rare opportunity you have here, Miss Petronis." Shelley enters my old house with me and I rest my sunglasses on my head. "The current owners live in the city, of course, but they've been loyal for years. Perhaps, if Mister Terri had been a bit more loyal to his wife, they wouldn't be renting out this season. Word has it, he dumped her for a girl half his age. Men."

"You mind if I look around a bit?" I question.

"That's what we're here for." She grins.

I look around the house before heading out to the porch. I stop and look at the carving of the double infinity sign. I trace my fingers over it and then look down at the floor.

"Dad?" Eight year old me walks up the steps with a bucket of sand and shells.

"Hey, kiddo. You having fun exploring?" Dad flips a burger on the grill.

"We really get to spend the whole summer here?" Eight year old me dumps the sand and shells on the floor.

"And every summer after that. What do you think?"

"I think mom would've loved it."

"Hey, you know how much I love you, Amanda?" He crouches down in front of me.


"Well, infinity...times infinity." He makes a double infinity sign in the sand.

"Miss Petronis?" Shelley snaps me out of it. "Now you have to imagine, it's 75 and sunny, all those boys of summer wondering who the new girl is. And that's where, uh, I think an Angus MacGyver resides. Biggest terrace in LA. You won't find a better address than this."

"I'll take it." I keep my eyes on the terrace from afar.

"Oh. Wonderful. I'll get the contract." She heads back inside the house and my phone rings.

"Hey, Patty." I answer.


I make my way towards Mac's house and my chest tightens. I look around and spot the basketball hoop.

"Too slow!" Eight year old me grabs the ball from Mac.

"Hey!" Five year old Mac runs and eight year old me laughs as I run around him.

"Suck it, Angus!" Eight year old me makes a shot and it goes into the hoop.

"I went easy on you." He grabs the ball.

"In your dreams." Eight year old me punches his chest.

𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐒 ━ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐆𝐘𝐕𝐄𝐑Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя