A Twist in the Trio

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Chapter 7: A Twist in the Trio

As time ticked away, Shompu and Jai faced a new challenge with the arrival of Harsh. Harsh was friends with both of them, but it didn't take long for Jai to notice something odd. Harsh seemed to fancy Shompu a bit too much, always hanging around him and being overly friendly. Shompu, on the other hand, was completely clueless about Harsh's feelings.

One day, as they all sat together, the dynamics started to shift. Harsh's attention towards Shompu became more obvious, like when he'd give him a little too much attention or touch his arm a bit too long. Jai couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

Jai: (trying to sound casual) "Hey, Shompu, do you think Harsh is acting a bit strange lately?"

Shompu: (laughs) "Nah, he's just being friendly. Why do you think so?"

Jai: (nervously) "I don't know, it just feels... weird."

But Shompu dismissed Jai's concerns with a shrug and a smile.

Days went by, and the tension in the air grew thicker. Harsh continued to be extra friendly with Shompu, and Jai couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy each time he saw them together.

Harsh: (with a sly smile) "Shompu, you always understand me so well. It's like we have our own language."

Jai: (muttering to himself) "Own language, huh?"

As the trio hung out at their usual spot, the unease reached its peak. Harsh's gestures towards Shompu became even more pronounced, and Jai felt like an outsider in his own friendship.

Jai: (standing up abruptly) "I need some fresh air. Be right back."

Shompu: (confused) "Everything okay, Jai?"

Jai: (forcing a smile) "Yeah, just need a moment."

As Jai walked away, Harsh seized the opportunity.

Harsh: (smirking) "Shompu, you know, Jai seems a bit bothered by us being so close. Jealous much?"

Shompu: (laughs) "Nah, he's just overthinking things. We're just friends."

Harsh: (playfully) "If you say so, but I've noticed the way he looks at us. He's not comfortable with our friendship."

Shompu, still oblivious to the brewing tension, dismissed Harsh's words with a carefree attitude.

The echoes of unspoken words lingered in the air as the trio faced an uncertain future. Little did they know that Harsh's presence had set in motion a series of events that would challenge the very fabric of their friendship. The uncharted territories of their emotions awaited exploration, and the trio was on the brink of a revelation that would change everything.

Friends With Benefits *Gay Love story *    *love triangle*    *fiction*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat