Part 25

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After that moment, Shompu decided that he would lighten the mood and go get himself some food.
He walked to the nearby grocery store and unexpectedly saw Jai there, in the opposite aisle. 

Shompu was still confused, so he hid his face in an attempt to have Jai not ask him about the moment they had and the confessions. 

But, Jai recognised him and dragged shompu into the pantry and pulled him into a long kiss. 

Jai took Shompu's shirt off and began kissing him on the neck, an intimate moment unfolded as they shared even more kisses than one could count. Shompu couldn't help but moan softly, feeling the warmth and desire building inside him. Jai's hands explored Shompu's body, causing shivers to run down his spine. They were lost in the moment, not caring about anything else.

Eventually, they pulled apart, both breathing heavily. Shompu couldn't help but smile at Jai, feeling a deep connection between them.

Shompu bit his lip, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks as he imagined running his fingers over Jai's muscular arms. He had always found Jai attractive, but now, after their unexpected moment in the Pantry, he couldn't deny the intense chemistry between them.

Jai noticed her staring and raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips. 'What's on your mind, Shompu?' he asked, his deep voice sending shivers down his spine.

Shompu blushed even more, feeling embarrassed for getting caught staring. 'Nothing, I was just...admiring your muscles,' he mumbled, avoiding his gaze.

Jai chuckled, his smile widening. 'Is that so?' he teased, taking a step closer to him.

Shompu's heart raced as he felt his body heat radiating towards him. 'I-I mean, not just your muscles,' he stammered, his cheeks turning even redder.

Jai's eyes darkened, his gaze intense as he leaned in closer. 'What else were you admiring?' he asked, his voice low and seductive.

Shompu's breath caught in her throat as he felt his lips graze against her ear. 'You,' he whispered, unable to look away from his intense gaze.

Without another word, Jai closed the distance between them and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. Shompu melted into his embrace, his hands tangled in his hair as he kissed him back with equal fervor.

After the intimate kiss in the pantry, Jai asked shompu what felt like the millionth time, "Shompu, I love you... Have you decided who you like better? Is it me or Harsh? Tell me! I don't want to be some kind of failed experiment before you settle down with 'Mr. Right'."

Shompu: " Jai....  the truth is... I... I'm unsure... i don't know who to love, who to like, who to kiss...I don't know.."

Jai: " Shompu, i have an idea, Go kiss Harsh. Kiss him and then tell me who kisses you better, whose embrace you enjoy, tell me, then you can decide who you will be with for the rest of your life..."

Shompu: "But-

Jai: "No, Just do it. Please, For me..?"

Shompu: "for you, Jai.."

Friends With Benefits *Gay Love story *    *love triangle*    *fiction*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu