Whispers in the Closet

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Chapter 9: Whispers in the Closet

The night unfolded at a vibrant party, pulsating with laughter and music. Shompu, with his golden retriever personality, effortlessly floated from one conversation to another, his infectious enthusiasm drawing people toward him like moths to a flame.

Jai observed from a distance, captivated by the way Shompu's features lit up with every smile, his animated gestures weaving tales of his infectious energy. Shompu's charm was magnetic, and Jai couldn't help but marvel at the genuine warmth that radiated from him.

As the night progressed, Jai found himself unable to shake off the overwhelming surge of emotions that had been building within him. He watched Shompu, the embodiment of joy, and felt an ache in his heart that couldn't be ignored any longer.

Unable to endure the weight of his unspoken feelings, Jai seized an opportune moment when the crowd's attention was diverted elsewhere. He gently grabbed Shompu's arm and led him into a dimly lit, cramped walk-in closet, where they found themselves in very close quarters.

The confined space created an intimate atmosphere, and as the door closed behind them, the outside world was reduced to a muffled hum. Shompu, caught off guard, looked at Jai with wide eyes, unable to find the words.

Jai: "Shompu, I can't hold this in any longer. Every smile of yours, every gesture, it's like a beautiful melody that plays in my heart. You're the sunshine in my cloudy days, the warmth that I crave in the cold. I can't stand the thought of seeing you with someone else, sharing your laughter and smiles with anyone but me."

Shompu remained silent, his expression a mixture of surprise and confusion.

Jai: "I love you, Shompu. More than just a friend, more than anything I've ever known. You're the missing piece to my puzzle, the one I never knew I needed. And I can't pretend any longer that what I feel for you is anything less than extraordinary."

A moment of suspense lingered in the air. Shompu's stunned silence hung heavy, creating a palpable tension in the small closet.

Suddenly, The unexpected happened......

Friends With Benefits *Gay Love story *    *love triangle*    *fiction*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora