One, True Love *18+ WARNINGG*

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Shompu was now standing in front of Jai's house, contemplating on whether he should go in or wait, when suddenly he heard a familiar voice from behind him.

Shompu? what are you doing here? said Jai.

Shompu: "I did what you asked, Jai. I kissed Harsh, I did it."

Jai: "Oh.... And who did you pick...?" he said, with sadness in his tone.









Shompu: "why do you think i'm at your door, dummy?"




Jai looked at Shompu with surprise and realization. 

Jai: "You chose me?"

Shompu: "Yes, Jai. I chose you. I realized that I have feelings for you and I couldn't deny them any longer. I know it may complicate things, but I couldn't keep lying to myself."

Shompu smiled and hugged Jai tightly. They both knew that their decision would bring challenges, but they were ready to face them together. They had finally found their true love in each other.

Shompu *teasingly*: "Sooo, should I stay out here, or will you welcome me inside?"

Jai: "Oh! Sorry, Welcome" he said, opening the door.

Shompu: " So, where's the bedroom?" he asked, smiling.

Jai:"Ohhhh, wow Shompu, taking things fast, huh?" he replied, smirking.

Jai took Shompu to his bedroom, staring into Shompu's eyes with such faith, such belief, such trust, and most of all, pure, true .... love.

Jai's bedroom was dimly lit with candles, creating a warm and romantic atmosphere. He led Shompu to the bed and they sat next to each other, their eyes locking in a loving gaze.

Jai leaned in to kiss Shompu, his lips gentle and soft. Shompu responded eagerly, deepening the kiss and wrapping his arms around Jai's neck. As they kissed, their hands explored each other's bodies, igniting a fire within them.

Jai broke the kiss and gazed deeply into Shompu's eyes, his hand caressing his cheek. They both knew that they were ready to take their relationship to the next level.

Jai slowly began to undress Shompu, his movements slow and deliberate, as if he was savoring every moment. He admired his beautiful body, taking in every curve and line.

Shompu's heart raced as she watched Jai undress. He had never felt so exposed and vulnerable, yet so desired at the same time. When he was completely naked, Jai pulled him into his arms, their skin touching and igniting sparks.

Their kisses became more passionate, their bodies pressed against each other. Jai trailed hot kisses down Shompu's neck and across her collarbone, making him moan with desire.

As they explored each other's bodies, their love and passion grew stronger. Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, their love taking center stage.

In that moment, there was nothing else in the world except for them. They were lost in each other's touch, their love filling the room with an intense energy.

As they reached the peak of their passion, they held each other tightly, their hearts beating as one. Afterwards, they lay in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow of their love.

Jai and Shompu's intimate moment in his bedroom was a beautiful expression of their love for each other, a memory that they would cherish forever.

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