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━━ love and death. (2024)
edward cullen x fem!oc
chapter seven

That night I couldn't sleep and when I managed to, I would wake up abruptly in a small panic like someone was watching me. I remember at one point I went to get a drink of water from the kitchen but when I came back it looked like someone was in the room with me.

I would take a peek in my brother's room to see if he might've been messing with me but when I checked on him, he was sound asleep.

For the last time I woke up in the middle of the night it was 4 AM and it was because of a dream that I was having. It wasn't anything scary or traumatizing – like something you'd dream up after watching a horror movie, but Edward was there and inside the dream I was reaching out for him. Except every time I tried to reach out or call his name, it felt like a telekinetic push was sending him away.

When I woke up again, irritated and in distrease, I thought I saw Edward standing in the corner of my bedroom just watching me in the shadows.

At that point I accepted I was crazy and immediately rolled over while throwing my pillow over my head and forcing myself to sleep the rest of the night before my alarm went off.

I was standing in the school parking lot now in the same spot I was yesterday when the accident took place. I was trying to retrace my steps and go over every moment that led up to it, but it all came down to the same conclusion that Edward suddenly appeared by my side like magic.

"Aspen! You're starting to freak me out."

"Sorry to cause you guys so much stress," I rolled my eyes and turned to Sunny and Amanda once I was able to tear my eyes off the ground.

Amanda tilted her head to the side. "You didn't sleep much last night, did you?"

"That obvious?" I scratched the side of my head and released a small yawn. "It would seem that my insomnia is coming back."

"At least it's not sleep paralysis again."

I instantly swatted Sunny's arm and she winced before holding her hands up in defense. "Do not jinx it," I warned her. "That was an extremely long summer."

"Well then, let's talk about something else." Amanda encouraged. "Have you decided if you're going to the dance or not?"

My shoulders sagged at the idea of our junior prom — I forgot all about our end of the year plans when I started focusing on Edward and our awkward friendship — if I could even call it that.

"Not really," I admitted. "It's honestly the last thing on my mind right now. I think my mother wants me to come visit her in Jacksonville."

Sunny and Amanda both looked taken back by my statement, completely shocked that I was even considering seeing her after so many years apart.

The truth was that I already decided I wasn't going to go, but now that my brother was here, I felt more inclined to just to make him happy. Which I knew deep down was incredibly unhealthy for me and our relationship alone, but I think he deserved some kind of effort from me.

"You should still come shopping with us," Sunny frowned. "We agreed on looking at dresses together — without you we'll be stuck with Jessica."

"Ang will be there at least," Amanda added.

I laughed softly at my friends and nudged them towards the buses. "Alright alright. Can we please go? Before Mr. Molina strangles us with our permission slips." I didn't want to talk about it anymore, as rude as it may be, I just didn't want to talk about my mother anymore.

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