thirty six

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━━ love and death. (2024)
edward cullen x fem!oc
chapter thirty six

I parked my car in Embrys driveway, no previous invitation or mention of stopping over but I needed to see him. Even if he was going to yell at me or same the door in my face, I had to at least know he was doing okay.

I hesitantly knocked on his front door and took a cautious step backwards until someone answered the door after a single heartbeat.

It was his mother Tiffany — she was beautiful and it was the first time I was seeing her after several years. She was in the middle of trying her long brown hair back into a low frizz-free bun, her face enhancing with joy when she meets my gaze.

"Aspen! It's so good to see you." She pulled me in for a strong embrace, her hands rubbing my back until she pulled away and made room for me to enter the house. "I would love to stay and catch up but I'm already running late for work."

"Oh, that's okay." I smiled and watched her frantically shrug on a jacket then grab her purse off the dining room table. "I just stopped by to check in on Embry."

She paused her movements in front of me and visibly frowned. "I heard you two had a fight — he hasn't been feeling good mentally lately. I was hoping you both would make up soon so he could get back to his old ways."

So we both agree, I mentally thought.

"He's sleeping now, taking a mid-day nap." She continued as she shuffled around me and reached for the door handle. "Why don't you wake him up so you both can talk? I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

I doubted that heavily but forced a smile on my face as she blew me a kiss with her hand and waved goodbye. "Tell your father I said hello! I'll see you soon!"

"Bye," I waved back to her and watched her leave before I start making my way through the house in search of Embry.

Down the hallway the only door that wasn't opened must've been where Embry was hiding. I quickly opened it but paused in the middle of the doorframe when I caught him actually sleeping on his bed.

I silently smiled down at him. He slept peacefully but with no blanket covering his body — just a large band shirt covering his upper frame and a pair of jeans over his legs. I could tell on his face he was exhausted — usually his expression was more relaxed and full of light. It felt like forever since I've seen him happy.

The window next to his bed where a shadow of figures emerged from the woods caught my attention. One of the boys whistled in a calling tone and my smile immediately dipped into a frown.

I shut Embrys bedroom door as quietly as possible before I quickly rushed towards the front door and stalked down the pavement to meet the others.

"You son of a bitch!" I reacted quickly — shoving Sam backwards with a hard slam to his chest. "What did you do to him?!"

Sam recoiled with a small bounce but gained his balance again and held up his arm across the others to keep them from moving.

"Aspen!" Kai tried to call me out in a warning tone.

I purposely ignored him and sized Sam up, even if he was six foot I felt like I could take on ten of him or more. He was the reason I lost my best friend.

LOVE AND DEATH, edward cullenWhere stories live. Discover now