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━━ love and death. (2024)
edward cullen x fem!oc
chapter thirteen

I was glued to my chair the rest of the night while I continuously went back and forth between the book I bought and my laptop. My mind was replaying my conversation with Embry several times and I tried using context clues to read through the book.

A lot of the information I was getting was all beginning to say the same thing.

His dark to bright golden eyes. Ridiculously pale skin. No appetite. Inhuman strength. The ability to read minds. Speed. Cold skin.

I flipped through several more pages and finally found something that was written in bold: The Cold Ones. I decided to search through the internet a bit further about the cold ones while occasionally glancing back down at the book to make sure the information was connecting.

Immortal. Blood drinker.

I visibly pause and reel backwards in my chair. I hear a few twigs snapping from the trees in the backyard and I quickly stand up to glance out the window. I don't see anything moving around in the distance so I shut my curtains forcefully and sit back down at my desk.

"Maybe I'm losing my mind." I mutter to myself while covering my face with my hands. "There's no freaking way. No way."

The pages in the book suddenly flip several times once the breeze picks up through my opened window. But when I looked down at the book to see which page it landed on, it showed a photo of a man biting into a woman's neck.

I then nervously ran my fingers through my hair and brought my knees closer to my chest. I would now have to try and face Edward with the conclusion that I made — just to see if they were real. And if this ended up all being a practical joke then maybe we can laugh together about it one day.

But that still leaves the question as to what am I?

I waited for him by the parking lot closest to the woods behind our school. I told my friends I would be coming to class late and told my brother not to wait up for me. I anxiously watched as students piled into the school after the bell rang and Edwards' car just now pulled into the parking lot.

His siblings were waiting for him off to the side but when looked away and sensed me standing off in the distance, he was obviously aware about what was going to happen.

I didn't call out to him or wave him over, but instead I turned around and started making my way into the woods — far away from the school and everyone around us. I brought my pepper spray out of fear but at this point maybe I should've brought a gun.

I dropped my bookbag on the ground and waited at least five seconds until I heard him approach me from behind. That already checked off the first box of my list — how incredibly fast he was.

I stood tall with my back facing him and kept my eyes positioned on the ground. I didn't want to appear weak or scared in front of him — not now, not anymore.

"You're impossibly fast and strong. You and your siblings have beautiful pale-white skin but it's cold like ice. Your eyes change color and sometimes you speak like you're from a different time." I started rambling off several things I've managed to calculate last night. "You never eat food — I don't think I've ever seen you drink anything at lunch. You disappear when there's sunlight. You bailed on the trip to the beach only after you heard where it was — because of the treaty."

I could feel his presence get closer with his breath practically fanning my neck but I remained in control. "How old are you?"

Edward inhaled through his nose. "Seventeen."

LOVE AND DEATH, edward cullenWhere stories live. Discover now