Chapter Six: Funny Coincidence

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"Hi," I smiled greeting Ben.

We sat down at a two-person table near the back of the restaurant.

"Hey," he said back to me.

We awkwardly stared at each other until he decided to place a quick kiss on my cheek.

I felt my cheeks burn hot as I slid into my side of the table. Ben looked around anxiously and tapped his fingers on the table. His being nervous made me feel extra nervous.

I reached over and placed my hand on top of his to try and calm him down. He looked at me immediately with wide eyes and then flashed a small smile.

"How was class?" he asked after clearing his throat.

"It was fine," I answered. "How were yours?"

"I only had one class today," he began. "Socio-economics. It was alright."

I nodded slowly as he spoke. When the waiter came over to take our order I had to fight the urge to order an absurd amount of alcohol. Ben ordered a beer, to my surprise.

"Yeah so she's just waiting to hear back from them any day now,'' Ben explained some story about Logan and gymnastics.

My anxiety made it hard for me to focus on anything. I smiled and nodded along anyway, pretending that nothing was wrong.

I tried to think of what to talk about but I  struggled having no ideas. We didn't really have anything in common anymore and I wanted to avoid the topics of my ex-boyfriend and crazy father.

"Hey," Ben squeezed my hand breaking my train of thought. "It's okay, just breathe."

I took in a deep breath and nodded. He was right, I needed to calm down.

"Sorry, what were you saying about Logan?'' I asked pushing through my nervousness.

"Oh yeah," he began again. "She's waiting to find out her national rank to see what team she'll compete for this spring."

I nodded and showed a small smile. That smile quickly faded away as soon as I saw him walk in.

"Oh god,'' I mumbled under my breath. "He's here."

Ben turned his head quickly towards the door to see Thomas coming into the restaurant. He wasn't alone as he crutched in the doorway. Sarah-Jessica walked in beside him and helped him to the host stand.

Ben returned his gaze to me and looked even more nervous. I looked around the restaurant and gawked at the open two-person table next to us.

Ben must have noticed two because he looked at me and asked in a low tone, "What do you think the chances are that they'd..."

He didn't even get to finish his sentence before we saw the hostess guide them in our direction.

Funny coincidence.

I didn't know who to look at. Was it more awkward to look at Thomas or to pretend like he wasn't there?

My eyes ignored everything in my head and instinctually looked at him. We made eye contact right before he sat down.

"Well this should be fun," Sarah-Jessica giggled sliding her chair closer to her table.

I looked back at Ben who looked lifelessly at Sarah-Jessica.

"Just ignore them," Thomas told her quickly.

My heart pounded in my chest as awkwardness filled the surrounding area.

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