Chapter Seven: Come with me

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"Are you going to tell me the fucking truth now?" Holden screamed at me.

I stood a couple of feet away from him pressing my palm against the top of my forehead. I brought my hand down to look at it and saw the blood on it. He had pushed me into my closet where I smacked my face into the metal bar that hung from it.

"I don't know what you want me to say!'' I defended myself.

He held Blake's coat in his hand and shook it around as he yelled at me.

"When I asked you the other day about this coat, you said that it was new!" He said.

"It was new... to me!" I explained loosely.

He threw the coat down at my feet. His face was turning a dark shade of red as he fumed.

"Yeah, well you didn't mention who gave it to you!'' he yelled taking another step towards me.

He had gone through the pocket of the coat while I was in class and found Blake's cigarettes inside the pocket.

"Holden, I'm sorry! It's no big deal!"

He took one step closer and grabbed onto my shoulder.

"No big deal? This guy is basically stalking you to have you and you think it's no big deal?'' he scoffed in my face.

I lowered my head cowardly and held back my tears. I wanted nothing more than for him to stop yelling at me. His fingers gripped my skin so tightly I could feel his nails start to break the skin.

I started to feel guilty about the whole thing. He was right, I should have just told him the truth right away.

"I'm sorry," I told him. "I'm sorry!''

"Yeah, well, you're gonna be!" He said shoving me forward against the wall.

As he cornered me against the wall his hand made its way to my neck. He squeezed his fingers tightly around my throat and pressed my head into the wood. I tried to swallow big breaths of air as I panicked breathed but he blocked my airway.

I tried to say his name but nothing could come out. My entire body began to burn and I tried to push him away from me but his grip was stronger than mine.

My body felt almost paralyzed as he choked me and I could feel myself start to give up altogether.

It wasn't until a sudden heavy knock rang out from the door that he let go of me. I coughed violently to catch my breath and grabbed onto my closet to stay standing.

He backed away with a mad look in his eyes.

He pointed a finger at me and told me, "Say a fucking word and I will kill you."

My chest rose up and down quickly as I tried to calm down. I quickly wiped the tears that had streamed down my cheeks as Holden opened the door.

He cleared his throat and asked, "The fuck do you want?"

"I need to talk to Parker," Blake's thick accent said from behind the door.

The door was only opened the slightest amount so Holden could see out of the room but no one could see into our room.

"Parker is busy right now. I'll let him know you stopped by," Holden said sarcastically.

Go away Blake, you're making it worse for me.

Holden attempted to slam the door in his face but right before it shut I heard the pound of Blake's fist against the wood to stop the door from closing.

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