Chapter Eight: Jello

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"You have to stick to your side of the room!" I said to Parker after tossing his sweatshirt at him.

Parker rolled his eyes and threw the sweater onto his bed. So far he had spent most of his time staying here with us in bed. I didn't blame him because of everything he was going through cause I'd probably do the same thing.

It had been almost two weeks since everything had gone down. I had to play the awkward middle man because I was supposed to be fake-dating Aero and Parker was actively avoiding her. As his temporary roommate, he made dealing with that very difficult.

Parker had skipped classes and didn't even leave for lunch. I'd been bringing him back stuff to make sure he didn't starve but I was worried about his mental state.

I walked into the living room where Logan was sitting on the couch putting her sneakers on.

"Ready to go?" she asked as she finished.

I nodded and gave her a low thumbs-up.

"Parkers not coming? Again? I thought you said that he–" she began but I cut her off by shushing her.

After she stood up I quickly pushed her out to the hallway and shut the door.

"Well I thought maybe he would but he's just not up for it!'' I told her leading her down the hallway.

"He hasn't come to visit him at all, "Logan pointed out with a sigh. "I mean the guy basically saved his life..."

"Exactly," I said attempting to defend Parker. "He's still reeling from everything. He's probably embarrassed or something. Man has a huge ego."

Logan rolled her eyes and nodded.

When we got to Blake's hospital room he already looked better than the last time we had seen him. It turned out that when Holden had hit him with whatever it was, it had broken one of his ribs which then pierced his lung.

He hadn't been recovering well, at least according to him, so he had to stay in the hospital for a little while longer than normal under supervision.

His stepmother stood talking to him as he sat on his bed. He wore a loose black t-shirt with gray sweatpants as he sat criss-cross snacking on what looked like red Jello.

"Looks like that's my cue to leave!'' she smiled as we came into the room. "Just not too long today kids, he's a bit tired."

Blake glared at her with a dirty look while rolling his eyes. He looked very bitter as he shoved a bit of the Jello into his mouth.

"What's up bitch?'' Logan greeted plopping herself onto the end of his bed.

This was only my second time visiting with Logan, she usually came by herself.

"Another day in paradise. Glad to see you could take a break in your busy schedule to visit me, slut,'' he smirked at her.

He spoke very slowly and breathy as he still had a little trouble breathing. Last time I was here he was on oxygen and now he isn't so I'd say that's a good sign.

"How is Parker?" Blake looked at me and asked.

I swallowed a quick breath of air but kept a straight face.

"Good! He's good!" I answered nervously.

"Am I supposed to believe that?'' he gawked at me. "You've gotta try fucking harder than that Mate."

"Don't mind him, he's just angry 'cause he's tired and being forced to eat red slime," Logan smirked at him.

He mocked her by fake laughing which ended up turning into a real cough. Until then I had forgotten that he was injured.

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