Chapter 1 | A Deal To Save A Kingdom

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That was all I'd done all evening - dancing, dancing and more dancing. So much dancing that my feet ached and all I really wanted to do was collapse in my throne and sleep, lulled into oblivion by the orchestral music that floated gently in the background, but I couldn't. Father wouldn't like that. It would not be expected of a princess.

"Princess Aurelia, I wonder if I might have the next dance?"

I spun, gracefully, of course, and plastered on my best, most demure smile.

"Why, yes. Lord Dalen, you may." My response was the same standard one I'd used all evening, except the change in the name. I held out my hand and he took it in his own.

Greasy. That was the first word that came to mind as he whirled me around the floor. A pale man, with deep-set eyes and a frown that never left his face, his movements were stiff, and his hand seemed to wander a little too low as he spun me around and around. Faster and faster.

People and faces becoming a blur of colours like paint on an artist's palette. And through it all, I held my smile on - because that's what the people expected of their princess.

The relief when the song finally started to unwind, was unmatched. I curtsied gracefully, bending low to the floor and inclining my head. "Lord Dalen."

"Your highness." His sickly-sweet smile made my skin crawl - I suppressed it, my face the picture of calm.

Now, a turnabout the room with one of my ladies was just what I needed. Hopefully, that way I'd stop being pestered by slimy, old men for another dance. Tapping Celia on the shoulder, I indicated to her that we should walk for a bit. She dipped her chin in what seemed like a submissive gesture, but the twinkle in her eye as she met my gaze told me otherwise. Her unassuming nature merely an act.

You see, Celia is my best friend. Always has been, always will be. With my blonde hair and her striking brown - we're the perfect pair.

Taking her arm firmly in mine, I glanced quickly around to see who might be watching us. Crystal chandeliers glinted softly above us and candles flickered in time to the music, but, for once, no one seemed to be paying any attention to us.

We stole quietly away, weaving in amongst courtiers: ladies waving their fans, this way and that, creating some sort of unspoken code, gentlemen crowding around them, clamouring for their hand to dance. It was almost a dance of our own, we'd done it so many times before.

Her grasp on my arm tight, Celia smiled at me as we continued our escape - toward the balcony doors.

Almost there!


"Lady Celia? I wonder if you might accompany me for the next dance?" A gruff voice sounded from behind us, causing us to jump.

This time a younger gentleman greeted us, but still not anyone Celia would be interested in - after all Duke Wayland had a wife of his own!

When he saw who it was that accompanied Celia however, he gave a start, immediately straightening up and fixing his cravat, I stifled a smile.

"Your highness! I am terribly sorry to bother you. With your permission, might I acquire Lady Celia's hand for this next dance?"

Sweat appeared to bead on the man's face as his eyes flicked nervously between the two of us. I paused, Celia squeezed my hand, covering it lightly with hers. The soft fabric of her white gloves cold against my skin.

"I would be honoured, Duke Wayland, of course." Celia stepped forward out of my reach.

I shot her a glance; she returned it with an encouraging smile. 'Thank you for the walk, Princess.'

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