Chapter 5 | Secrets In The Snow

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Wrynn had told me he wouldn't be taking me outside unless I went to put on something warmer. So, I now rummaged through my wardrobe looking for something that might be suitable while I replayed this morning's events in my mind.

Cassian was, well, I didn't really know what to make of Cassian. He seemed distant and cold. And I couldn't really credit him with anything else. I hardly knew the man, although from what I had seen he didn't seem to be the most affectionate of men.

And hadn't he proven that this was purely a convenient arrangement for him? Whatever the reason.

Maybe it was financial, like for Geldery. Or maybe it was political, the kingdom thought he needed a wife. Or maybe, maybe, there was some hidden personal reason that I had yet to discover. But of one thing I was sure, it wasn't for love.

Cassian was what I'd expected, not what I'd foolishly hoped. What I'd hoped for was some handsome, young king who'd heard tales of my unmatched beauty and come to whisk me away to his magical kingdom where we'd fall in love and live happily ever after. A fool's dream. That of a naïve princess who'd never really seen the world. I sighed.


Wrynn was waiting for me in the grand entrance. His blue eyes followed me as I descended the staircase, one hand gripping the banister so as not to fall. He appraised me.

"Better," was all he said, before turning away.

He allowed me passage through the heavy doors. Stepping back outside, I took a breath. I felt calmer in that moment than I had since I'd left Geldery. Being back in nature, even if it was covered in cold, cold snow was reassuring to me somehow. It was as close to home as I could be. Breathing in the comforting scent of pine needles, I felt myself relax.

But... maybe a little too much.

Suddenly, I felt myself slipping down, feet sliding out from beneath me as I trod on empty air. Falling forward, I knew I was about to tumble right down the stone steps. I braced myself for impact.

It did not come. Instead, a hand gripped my forearm, steadying me. Wrynn.

"Are you okay?" His eyes searched mine, hair had fallen loose of its tie and hung forward framing his face in silver.

"I... yes, thank you." I tried to stop staring.

Wrynn stepped back, cleared his throat and released me, hand resting back on the pommel of his sword.

He watched as I took another wobbly step, grasping the snow-covered balustrade. Thank goodness I put gloves on, even though them I could still feel the icy cold gnawing at my fingertips.

After a little while, Wrynn sighed, obviously not overly impressed with my progress. "Here." He offered me his arm.

Determination overtook me and I shook my head; Wrynn rolled his eyes but stepped back regardless with a tight nod.

Still holding firmly to the balustrade, I inched my way down the steps. The pathway that appeared to have been made yesterday in honour of my arrival had melted back over, no evidence of its existence remained.

Suppressing a shudder, I reached the bottom, turning to face Wrynn. He was gone. I frowned. After all that and he'd just abandoned me to this snowy wasteland!

"Well, looks like you made it after all." His voice sounded behind me, making me jump and I spun around.

How had he got there? For a second, I was confused, then I remembered my agonizingly slow pace and realised it was plausible he was just very light-footed.

To Melt A Frozen Heart | ONC 2024Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora