Chapter 2 | Destined Toward A Foreign Land

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I gaped at Wrynn; he avoided my gaze, addressing my father instead, allowing the crowd to hear his words.

"It is my pleasure, your majesty. I thank you for affording me such hospitality. You are a credit to your people."

His hand flew up to cover the left side of his chest again, as he looked earnestly up at us – well, Father to be more exact, still he would not look to me.

"Truly, the pleasure is all ours." Father laughed, retrieving a goblet off the tray extended to him.

The other was offered to me – I took it numbly, hardly able to believe what I was toasting to. How could Father have arranged all of this and not told me?

Father raised his glass and drank.

"Let the celebrations resume!" he declared, lifting his arms up into the air.

Cheers and whoops were heard from below, I didn't look down, staring straight ahead. Straight at Wrynn.

He was here to take me away, I realised. Here to take me to this new life that I knew nothing about. And to marry the king in some political alliance. It was preposterous.

Marry for love and nothing less.

That was what Mother used to say, if she was still here, she would have said the same thing now.

But she wasn't here.

Father was.

And I was to be married.

Once I was sure the crowds were no longer watching us so intently, I turned to my father.

"Why did you not tell me of this? Am I just some pawn to be married off in favor of some political alliance, Father?"

To his credit, he looked at me guiltily. "No Aure, you know I love you. But there was no time to explain things to you – the Captain only arrived this morning. You know we are struggling. This could be the only way to save Geldery."

He reached for my hand.

"So, I am to marry a man I have never met."

"Aure, if there had been another way..."

"Mother wouldn't have stood for this." I glared at him, blinking away tears.

"No. No, she wouldn't."

I looked again to my Father. Tears shone in his own eyes.


I caught up to Wrynn on the outskirts of the hall. After avoiding many misplaced congratulations and many more offers to dance, I finally had managed to slip away.

He stood with his back to me now, a tall champagne flute held between two fingers, perfectly poised, talking animatedly to a group of Lords and Ladies. I sauntered over.

"Wrynn. If I may have a word. You won't mind, will you?" I directed the second question toward the rest of the group who all shook their heads furiously saying that they wouldn't mind in the slightest.

Wrynn, for his part, looked as if he'd rather be anywhere else.

Serves him right!

Quickly, I pulled him behind a large potted plant, with leaves so wide they could have been chairs. Out of sight, I rounded on him.

"Why didn't you tell me who you were?" The question was a flimsy start; I knew he'd tried.

Sighing, Wrynn met my gaze. He looked older now, the artificial glow of the chandeliers illuminating fine lines across his face.

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