Chapter 11 | Fighting In The Dead Of Night

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Screaming. A woman screaming.

I sat bolt upright, heart pounding.

The room was dark, save for the trickling moonlight. The candle had long since burned away, leaving a melted trail of wax across its holder.

And I realised one other thing.

I was alone.

Cassian still had not returned.

Screaming, more screaming. Running, pounding feet. What was going on?

Quickly, I shrugged out of the nightdress and into my day clothes. The stairs creaked loudly beneath my feet as I hurried down – but not loud enough to drown out the carnage outside.

The screams were louder now – more frantic.

And what was I doing? Why was it that I always seemed to be running toward the danger instead of away from it?

"And wher' der yer think yer goin', lass?" Nesta's voice made me jump.

Whirling around, I beheld the older woman. She stood in the doorway to a room I hadn't noticed before, a shawl wrapped tightly around her shoulders. Instinctively, I pulled my own tighter – the cold was beginning to creep its way in.

"What's going on? Why is there so much screaming?"

She held my gaze, steady and unflinching. "Yer should ne'er come 'ere, girl. Yer and that king. The trouble, yer'v brought on us."

I stared at her. "What trouble? What are you talking about?"

"The beast. The beast has returned to us."

The dragon. The dragon was here?

I started toward the door again.

"Wher' der yer think yer goin'?" She took a step forward.

"We have to help them! People are trapped out there!"

Nesta reached me placing her hand firmly over mine, stopping me from undoing the deadbolt. "No. We don't. The fools shouldn't 'ave opened their doors in the first place."

"But... they're your friends, aren't they? Surely, you want to help them?"

Nesta grimaced. "Oh, sure, lass. Ther' some pretty words. But it's everyone fer themsel'vs now."

My glare hardened. "Well, I'm going out there. As the future queen of Evenspire, I command you to move out of my way."

Nesta held my gaze for a while – staring me down. I did not look away.

Finally, she sighed. "Fine, girl. Out yer go. But on yer head be it."


The older woman stepped aside, another long sigh escaping her lips.

Sliding the bolt across, I braced myself. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I mean, what could I do?

Perhaps I could try to lead people to safety here? Nesta wouldn't like that. But she could hardly refuse a princess, could she?

"I 'ope fer yer sake, the king, doesn't wake up. If 'e finds yer missin', 'e'll 'ave my head."

So, she doesn't know then... Cassian was already gone. And I wasn't particularly sure how true her statement was. Yes, he was rude and yes, he was certainly antagonistic. But he wasn't cruel.

"If I knock. You will let me in. Understand?" My tone was harsh, I knew, but I couldn't run the risk of not being able to return to shelter.

"I understand, girl. Yer'v paid yer keep."

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