chapter - 17 ( wanted )

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Jungkook hung up after talking to taehyung. He looked at mr wang and said " so what did you decide mr jang ? "

" We will work together " Mr Jung said caressing his daughter's hand telling her to stay calm.

Jasmine walked out of the office with gloomy face.


Taehyung got a call from lili telling him how she got a job at Jeon tech and she also get to know that the person who was taking her interview got fired.

After talking to lili he tried to call jimin but he didn't picked up.

At last he called his eomma who answered the call immediately.

" Eomma ? "

" Taehyung I want to tell you something really important. Can you come to park. " Taeyeon said making taehyung frown.

" Is everything okay? " He asked.

" everything is okay. Come to the park we used to go together. Make sure to inform jungkook and come with your bodyguards. "

" Okay. "


Taehyung reached the park he used to come with his eomma when he was a kid. He saw his eomma sitting on their usual place away from the crowd under a tree.

He asked the bodyguards to stand away from the place. He then went to sit beside his eomma.

He saw fear, sadness in his eomma's eyes. The last time he saw her eyes like this when they lost his appa.

Taehyung got scared he asked her what she wanted to tell him.

" Promise me tae, you won't hate me no matter what I tell you? " She asked him making him more worried.

" I could never hate you no matter what. I promise I will never stop loving you " Said taehyung assuring her.

Taeyeon sighed and said " when you were seven years old. Here in this place you asked me something remember? "

Taehyung say no cause he played here with his eomma for years and asked many sily questions. He is not sure which one his eomma is talking about.

" Why I don't look like my appa ? I don't even look like you or grandma or grandpa. Why "

Taehyung smiled hearing this. He remember how his friends used to talk about how they similar they are with their parents while taehyung didn't had any similarities with his appa or his other family members.

" Yep. I remember. Why are you bringing this up right now ? " He asked.

" That time I didn't say it but today I have to say it.... You dont look like your appa or his family cause... you are not his biological son " taeyeon teared up. She felt horrible for ruining taehyung's perfect life with this truth.

" What are you saying eomma ? " Taehyung couldn't believe what he just heard.

" Kim daehyung wasn't your biological father. I was pregnant with you when he decided to marry me and adopt you cause my boyfriend.... your real father was forced to leave me by your grandpa. "

Taehyung felt like his head was spinning at this moment. Lie...he was living in a bubble. He wasn't a Kim. He looked at his eomma asking for the truth.

" Your biological father is park jaehyung.... Yes it's jimin's dad " Said taeyeon looking away. She felt relieved but scared at the same time.

Park ? Jimin's dad ? Taehyung's mind was blank for few minutes. The person he just met few days ago was his real father?

He remembered how the doctor called them father and son seeing how similar they looked. How Mr park cared for him.

Taehyung come out of thoughts when he heard his eomma cry.

" I am sorry son for hiding this truth. Your appa didn't wanted you to know the truth cause he already accepted you with his whole heart.

I wouldn't have told you the truth ever but park jaehyung came and he figured it out that you are his blood. He didn't know you existed so he now wants to make it up to you. He came to meet in the morning but he left cause I didn't wanted him to meet him. He said he will be back, jungkook heard us so he also know about it now."

Taeyeon got surprised when taehyung suddenly hugged her. She cried out in relief knowing taehyung won't hate him.

" I love you eomma. I don't know how to feel about you hiding the truth but at the end of the day it doesn't matter.
Infact I love you and appa more now. You could have aborted me or left me in the orphanage but you kept me and appa, he loved me like his own son even though I wasn't his real son. Thank you eomma. "

Taeyeon hugged taehyung back. One again it's proved that her tae is the best son in the world.

" I love you too baby. And you are mine I could never think of leaving you. "

After spending some time with his eomma taehyung came back home.

When he entered the house he saw jungkook was already there waiting for him.

Taehyung went to him and before Jungkook could say anything taehyung hugged him burying his face in his chest. Jungkook hugged him back he could guess taehyung got to know about the truth.

" It's okay tae. We are here for you. You are not alone. " Jungkook comforted him when he heard taehyung crying. He acted tough infront of his eomma cause he didn't wanted to make her feel guilty but he was overwhelmed with all this.

" Why all this happening with me ? " Taehyung asked sobbing.

" Because you are special. "

" I don't want to be special. "

Jungkook chuckled he pulled away from the hug and cupped his face.

" Let's have dinner first. Then we will talk " said jungkook giving him a kiss on his forehead.

After dinner both of them sat in the balcony.

" Uncle park is a good man. He wants you in his life, I am sure he will love you as much as he loves jimin. Give him a chance forget about all the other things "  Said jungkook making taehyung sigh.

" I am not sure if he really want me as his son besides jimin is seems very possesive about un.. mr park. He will be mad at me " mumbled taehyung.

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