0: Prologue

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"Sky, why's your hand on fire?" Lyra eyed her sister nervously. "Doesn't that hurt?"

The two children were in the Palace Arena. Skylor had just returned from her Ninjago City visit and had burst through the doors--making Lyra spill her cereal everywhere--telling Lyra she had something to show her.

"It's my Elemental Power!" Skylor's eyes shone in the flames' reflection, though the fire was extinguished a moment later. "Dad says I can absorb the power of others. He was surprised I got it because Mom found out she had it when she was two, and I'm waaaaay older than that!"

Whoa, an Elemental Power? Like the ones in the stories Dad tells us? That's so cool!

"Yeah, you're already five! I wish I could have a power like that." Lyra's pink lips fell into a frown, then she grinned. "Maybe I'll get one when I turn five! And it'll be much cooler than yours! Something like..."

She paused because she really wasn't sure what was cooler than having control over whichever element you wished. 

"Like magic?" Skylor suggested.

"Yeah, like magic!" Lyra cheered. "And then I can let you use it, too, and we can rule the world! Just like Daddy does!"

Skylor rolled her brown eyes at that. "You know he doesn't actually rule the world, right? He's just the king of our island."

Lyra sat on the violet couch in her sister's room, frowning. "No, he told me he's the king of the world! He saved it from...from..."

"From nothing! Those are just bedtime stories! Father's really here because the evil Elemental Masters exiled him! Because he liked the snake people's side!" Skylor scoffed at her sister's ignorance. "Of course, I wouldn't expect a three-year-old to understand."

"I am three-and-a-half!" Lyra whined. "That's basically five!"

Just then, someone dressed in deep purple and red robes pushed the huge double doors open. His long, dark cloak flowed around his knees. He strode toward the two girls, a smile playing at the edges of his mouth.

"Uncle Clouse!" Skylor and Lyra cheered, hugging their dad's friend. "You're back!"

"Why, hello, little ones," Clouse said. "Skylor, I heard you managed not only to find an Elemental Master of Fire, but also temporarily used his powers, all whilst helping out in your father's restaurant. We're very proud."

Skylor blushed. "Thank you, Uncle."

"Uncle Clouse, can you teach me a new magic trick?" Lyra asked, trying to take the attention off her sister. "Look, I can already do the last one you showed me!"

She stretched out her hand, aiming at the window across the room. "Kablooey!"

Nothing happened. The window stubbornly stayed in one piece. It didn't even crack.

Clouse sighed. "I told you already that you aren't able to use magic. It won't work for someone with your blood."

"What does that mean?" Skylor put a hand on her hip. "That's not fair!"

Lyra felt tears come to her eyes. Her childish emotions were getting the best of her. "It isn't fair at all! My sister gets her special power and you get yours and I get NOTHING!" 

The tears fell. Lyra felt them streak down her cheek before slipping off her chin and falling onto her shirt. She poked her tongue out of her mouth and tasted them. They were as salty as ever.

"Quit acting like a baby," Clouse commanded, frowning at her. "No wonder you're powerless, with temper tantrums happening every three seconds."

Skylor, meanwhile, was staring at her shirt. "Lyra...?"

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕛𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕦 ~ L. GarmadonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat