15: Training

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"So, what exactly do you guys do for training?" Lyra asked, looking around the training room. "Skylor and I generally just work out. Then, if we aren't absolutely exhausted, we'll spar for a bit. Plus stretching before and after, of course."

"Well, we do always start and end with stretching, but, other than that, our training is completely unstructured," Lloyd admitted. "Sometimes, if we feel like it, we'll work on a specific thing, like agility or strength or how to escape different holds. About half the time, we focus on just our Elements and trying to unlock our Elemental Discharges. Other times are just sparring, working out, then more sparring."

"What are we doing today, then?" Lyra questioned.

"You two will simply be building trust," Wu told them. "This week will be about trust and teaching each other what you know."

"We would like to see Lyra's fighting style, too," Misako added. "It should be fairly good because of her Martial Arts power."

"Speaking of that," Lyra started, "why can I use aspects like Painting and Literature? Am I not just the Master of Spinjitzu?"

That had been one of the many questions racing around in her head after Wu and Misako explained everything. It didn't make sense.

"Every Elemental Master of Art has access to each form of Art, I believe," Wu explained. "Spinjitzu is just your main aspect, though you have not yet unlocked that."

"How do I unlock it?"

"We don't know," Misako admitted. "All we know is that you have control over the Elements of Painting and Literature currently, and you are capable of gaining access to more."


"So...training?" Lloyd asked.

"Right." Lyra turned to face him, taking off her hoodie.

She had changed into a short, dark purple tank top and black shorts, which was her usual training outfit. Her orange hair was pulled back into a simple high ponytail.

Lloyd, who appeared to be in a trance again, staring into space in the vague direction of Lyra, made another odd startled movement of his head after a few moments of awkward silence. "What exactly do we do?"

"Lyra, as a start to our trust building, what are your strengths on the battlefield?" Wu asked. "Assuming you aren't an Elemental Master."

"Well, I'm quick, balanced, and flexible, so I can generally easily avoid attacks until my opponent grows tired enough for me to take them out," Lyra said. "I can also hide from them because I'm stealthy. And I'm good at climbing, which helps me get away in certain situations." She thought back to her fight with Tox, where she'd grabbed a palm leaf on a whim and it'd ended up being helpful later. "I have good instincts." Lyra remembered suddenly screaming at the Master of Poison, which led to her falling out of the tree and allowing Lyra to win. "And I'm a quick thinker, so I can come up with plans within a few seconds. Plus, I'm good at lying."

Lloyd nodded. "I've noticed all of those."

"As have I," Wu agreed. "What are your weaknesses on the battlefield, Lyra?"

"I don't hit as strong as my opponents," she answered. "I usually have to rely on tiring them before I can do much damage or hoping to hit the right spots, like Clouse's throat, so they'll collapse. Also, I'm fairly frail, so if they do manage to hit me even once, I'm done for. Doesn't help that I have a low pain tolerance." She thought for a moment, trying to remember if there was anything else. "Oh, and I lose my vision occasionally. It's something to do with my Element."

"Anything else?" Wu prompted.

Lyra tilted her head to the side. "I don't think so. Wait, I get distracted and side-tracked too easily."

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕛𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕦 ~ L. GarmadonWhere stories live. Discover now