3: The Fights

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TW: Blaming oneself/negative self-talk 

Lyra and Skylor sat across from each other in a cozy little booth, eating their breakfast and watching Jay and Cole argue. 

"I don't know what they're fighting about, but, for two people who are on the same team and are supposed to trust each other with their lives, they certainly don't act like it," Lyra pointed out, drinking the leftover milk from her Cheerios. "They're gonna end up saying something they didn't mean and ruin their friendship if they don't stop soon."

The two ninja were squabbling like siblings. Lyra wondered if they were secretly 7-year-olds in realistic ninja costumes because they were definitely acting like it. She was extremely tempted to walk up to them and force them to sit in opposite corners of the room until they behaved.

"Oh my First Spinjitzu Master!" Skylor gasped. "That's it!"

"What's it?"

Skylor leaned in. "If we tell Father about this, he could use it to his advantage."

Lyra's eyes widened. "You're right."

If he gets them mad enough, they might even damage the team permanently. Sky's a genius.

"Here, you can tell him," Skylor offered. "You were the one who brought it up."

Lyra tried--and failed--to ignore the crushing feeling in her chest as she imagined how her father would react. He'd probably manage to disband the whole ninja force. 

And you want him to destroy the ninja, she reminded herself. Her heart sunk farther down. Because they're evil. Even though they're really good at pretending to be good. Like, they're better at acting than me. 

"But you were the one who actually realized we could use that," Lyra pointed out. "Stop trying to be nice and get me on Father's good side. It just won't happen."

They sat in silence for a moment, both knowing it was true.

Chen's voice broke the quiet--though there wasn't really quiet, because Jay and Cole were yelling at each other. "The Tournament of Elements continues. Fun time! Would the following Masters please make their way to their assigned arena? Speed, Gravity, Smoke, Nature, Mind, oh, and last and hopefully not least...Fire!"

Skylor covered her hand with her mouth, making eye contact with Kai as she did so. 

Lyra's chest felt even heavier as she watched the Fire Ninja process what had just been said. For a moment, he froze. In that small half-second, he seemed absolutely terrified. Lyra just barely managed to refrain from hugging him. Then he grinned and cracked his knuckles, the perfect image of cocky.

"Remember, only one can remain," Chen continued.

"Worried about your boyfriend?" Lyra tried to ease the tension, picking up both of their trays as Skylor stood up.

"Just... whatever." Skylor crossed her arms and looked away.

She must really be worried. 

Lyra regretted her teasing. The way Skylor's face was paling and her hands were shaking showed how nervous she felt for the Fire Ninja.

"I almost hope I lose my bet for his match," Lyra mused. No, she definitely hoped she lost her bet.

A few days earlier, she'd told Skylor that, if Kai--or Fire, as they'd referred to him previously--won the match, she'd paint an elaborate depiction of how awesome Skylor was and would hang it above her own bed. It would totally throw off the "purple" look. In return, if Smoke won, Skylor would create an ice sculpture of Lyra and place it in the center of her room, meaning she'd have to find a different place to train.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕛𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕦 ~ L. GarmadonWhere stories live. Discover now