estrellas~chapter 28

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Growing up, whenever we were at Cousins we could watch whatever we wanted, one of my favorite shows as a kid was Kim Possible. But, my all-time favorite Disney Channel Show was Phineas and Ferb. Maybe it was because I thought Jeremey was cute, but all I wanted was for Jeremiah to be like Jeremy, maybe to like me as much as he liked Cadence in the end. I don't know. Now it all sounds silly, but sometimes I do wonder if little Lauren could have predicted this, all of this. Conrad and I became closer, Belly and Conrad dating, Jeremiah and I dating, both breakups, Sussnaah's Death, all of us reuniting and getting into a shit ton of trouble, new friendships, more couples, and love that goes round and round.

The rest of the summer felt like it went as fast as possible. Before I was met with Jeremiah Fisher again, all I wanted was for the summer to hurry up and go by. Now, I wish it had been longer. But at least in the end, I'm still with Jere and we are better than ever. We may have all reunited, but still, no Susannah.

The idea of leaving Belly and my mother behind truly frightened me. Having Steven move to New Jersey, and me to Rhode Island, shook me up. Towards the end of the summer, my mother started to slowly return. But, she could always go back to her deep depression. Grief is almost like a drug, relapse is part of recovery.

I saw some real development in Conrad and Jeremiah, they both seemed to be accepting that she was gone.

Conrad and Belly finally got back together and I noticed even more change in both of them. It seemed as though they did need each other to survive.

Today was the day that I was officially leaving for school, I was beyond terrified. My mother offered to take me but I declined. Jere drove to my house in Philadelphia from Boston to take me to our school, Finch. It was out of the way for him but he still insisted, not insisted but more forced me to say yes.

I was on my toes looking out the window, awaiting his arrival. It was already mid-afternoon and I felt like I had been waiting a decade.

As I heard his car pull in, I ran outside to my driveway.

"You're here!" I yelled at him.

There he was, Jeremiah Fisher, my Jeremiah.

"Hey, Gorgeous!" He said as we ran into one another's arms.

"I missed you so much!" I said as I moved his face directly in front of mine, with that, our lips were connected.

"How are you doing my stargirl?" He asked me.

"Amazing now," I said, I didn't even realize how I was still holding onto him, almost as if I didn't believe he was here.

"Are you ready to hit the road?" He asked me.

Since he had to drive the whole five hours from Boston, we decided we would drive to Finch a day early and then stay in a motel before checking in the next day.

"Yeah, my mom wants to say hi though."

Jere and I walk inside and see my Mother and Belly on the couch.

"Jeremiah!" my Mother yells excitedly. This is the most emotion I've seen out of her in the past few days.

"Hey, Laurel!" He yelled back while he hugged her, "Belly how are you?" He asked while going to hug my sister next.

I'm so thankful everything is okay now. The It-Couples were back, Bonrad and Jauren.

"I'm doing good," She replied, "Except that you're stealing my sister!" She scolded.

I gave her a weak smile. I did feel horrible for leaving her behind with Mom. Steven had already left for Princeton, now she was all alone. Conrad is in California and I don't know how much Taylor she can handle. Especially now that Taylor was dating our brother, I don't know if I would want to hear all the gross things, ew.

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