estrellas~chapter 33

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"Would you be mad if I said I was at Finch?"

"You're at Finch?" I respond surprised, I see Jeremiah shift in his desk chair.

"Uh, yeah, I got into a fight with Mom and Conrad so I left," She says.

"What?" I say, I'm so confused.

"Just come get me!" She snaps.

"Okay Princess," I respond, "Where on campus are you?"

"I don't know."

I sigh very loudly, "Meet us at Dave's Coffee shop."

She says back to me sassily, "Fine."

Then she abruptly hangs up.

I play with my rings, "So much for date night."


It's still pouring rain when we arrive back at the Cafe.

Jere and I drove over that way so we wouldn't get completely soaked.

As we entered the cafe there she was. My little sister sitting at a table. She had already ordered a drink.

"What drink did you get?" I ask her as I sit down across from her.

"Hot chocolate," She says briefly.

"Jere, will you order me my usual please?" I say as I dig through my wallet looking for cash. I thought I had enough but I must have spent it all from this morning's coffee.

He touches my shoulder, "No need, I got you," He walks away to go order.

"So..." Belly says while taking a sip.

"Cut the crap Belly," I scold, "Why are you down here?"

She looked at me shocked, I usually was more comforting than real with her.

"You drove five hours? I know you have to have some reason, how bad was the fight with Mom?"

She rolls her eyes, "Over my grades," she looks down, "Then I broke up with Conrad."

"Again?" I ask her, "Why Bells? He needs you."

"I don't know, he'll meet so many new girls at school, he doesn't need me."

I grab her hand, "Belly, you're an idiot, he does need you. He's all a-wall again."

She looks down and pulls her hand away, "Yeah, he does that."

"I know he does that!" I snap, "He only does this when things go to shit, as your older sister, please talk to him. He's not interested in anyone else! He doesn't care about stupid college girls!"

"He was interested in you!" She snarled back.

I was shocked, "Really?" I ask harshly, "You had to bring that up! He only liked me because he was jealous of you and Cam! You know this! Why are you being so cruel Belly, besides, that was more than a year ago, literally last summer!"

She put her arms around her chest, her eyes started to tear up but she quickly wiped them away.

"I'm sorry," I began, "But Belly, please talk to him, you two are like yin and yang."

She cuts me off, "Don't quote Sussanh!" She yelled, "She didn't even love you, Lauren, not like how she loved me!"

I was shocked, I felt so hurt.

My fists were clenched under the table, it felt like she had stabbed me in the stomach fifty times. I didn't even realize that Jere was standing behind me.

"You have no right to say that," He said to Belly, "I'm going to go wait outside."

"It's raining," I respond.

"I don't care," he said as he turned to head out.

Belly looked ashamed of what she said.

I tried to register anything to say but nothing came out. I shook my head as I got up and went outside to find Jere. It might have not been the most mature thing to do but I didn't know what else to do.

When I find him I fall into his arms as tears pour down my face. How could she be so cruel, she's not the only one that lost Sussanha. He brushes my back as he supports me.

"I miss her so much," I say to him, "I'm so sorry."

He wipes my tears away, "Don't be sorry, I really miss her too," he had begun to cry, "Belly is acting like such a child, she's being so shitty, you don't deserve that."

I had gripped him even tighter, I don't deserve this man.

We run to his car and drive back to his dorm, leaving Belly behind.

I check my phone to see Belly's location. She's already back on the road to Philadelphia. Maybe I should have been a better older sister, but I can't deal with her, at least not right now.

I put my head against the window as we were pulling into his dorm parking lot.

"What now?" He asks.

"I have no fucking idea."


Throughout the rest of the day, I simultaneously checked my phone. Belly was still on the road so that's good.

I laid in Jere's bed and he was out showering. I had been debating all day but I think I need to call my mom.

I rang her phone and she answered in the first few rings.

"Hey Mom," I say.

"Laur, how are you?"

"Umm, I've been better. Belly came here."

"She drove to Finch?" She sounded really angry, "I thought she just went to Taylor's or something, what has gotten into her."

"We got in a really big fight, she said Sussanah had never loved..." I choked, "She said that Sussnah had never loved me," I said, "She's on her way back though," I didn't realize it but I had begun to cry.

"I'm sorry Lauren, I'll try to talk to her when she gets back. Don't worry, we'll figure this out."

"She broke up with Connie, he needs her, Mom, and I can't do anything to help," I say as I fight my tears away.

"I'll take care of it, Laur, please don't stress."

The rest of the night I stayed with Jere, his roommate Kyle was out of town, thank god.

Both of us were lying in his bed, he was spooning me from behind. My eyes felt so dry from crying.

I checked my phone and it was reaching eight.

"I woke up this morning thinking I was going to have a date night," I say.

He hugged me tighter in his bed, "We are having a date night," He said with a smile, "Just a little different than what I planned."

Even in this shitty situation he still can make me laugh. 

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