estrellas~chapter 41

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All Conrad can say is, "Steven is going to kill you."

I sigh, "I know Connie, thanks for reminding me."

Jere shoots him a look and rubs my back comforting me, "Stop stressing her out, she's nervous enough."

Conrad chuckles and then gets out of the car, leaving Jere and I alone.

"I'm so nervous Jere, I have no idea how Steven's going to react," I say while fiddling with my thumbs.

He looks down in thought, then jumps up, "I have an idea!" Jere claims to me, "Go change into your bathing suit, time to relax!"

He jumps out of the car and runs toward the house.

I follow after him and go through my bag looking for a suitable swim-suit.

I settle on my classic basic white one.

I change and head downstairs, out the window I see Jere in the backyard with our surfboards.

"Going somewhere?" Steven says.

"We're just going for a quick swim we'll be back soon," I say while looking down. It's hard to talk to him while keeping a secret this big.

"You're acting weird," Steven begins, "Is everything okay?" He asks with a worried tone.

"Yes," I answer quickly. He and I both knew he was the only person besides Jeremiah I couldn't lie to.

He gives me another odd look.

I defend my response by answering back, "I'm just tired and I want to swim, bye," I say quickly rushing out of there.

I run outside and Jere is finishing preparing our boards.

"We didn't surf that much last summer so I thought we could," He says with a smile.

I walk over and plant a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you," I say connecting our foreheads and giving him another kiss. This time he holds our lips together even longer, causing the moment to last.

I eventually pull away and drag him and the boards to the beach.

As we get to the water, the area is calm, nobody else is there.

The tide is perfect and the waves are amazing.

"Who do you think is going to catch the best wave?" Jere asks.

"Me!" I yell while running into the water with my board.

I begin to surf and I notice him just chilling on his board watching me as I stand up. The wave knocks me over and it feels amazing to be back here.

Eventually, the waves slowly stop coming and we just float on our boards talking.

The water on his skin is making him shine, I laugh and say, "I love boys who sparkle."

He chuckles, "This is the skin of a killer, Bella."

I begin to die of laughter, I try to keep my balance on my board but I roll into the ocean.

Jeremiah laughs and joins me in the water. I pull him close and kiss him.

"It's funny to think this may be one of our last summers altogether," I begin to say.

He perks up and looks at me confused, "What do you mean? We have the house and no one is going anywhere?"

I shake my head, "In a few years we'll all graduate college and move on," Jeremiah's face melts down to the water and I continue on my tangent, "You and I will be married, have a few kids, who knows where everyone else is going to wind up." Jeremiah continued to look down, I brushed his hair out of his eyes, and in a sad way of reassurance I added, "You and I will always be here, every summer, I'm just saying we don't know where everyone else is going to end up."

He gives me a weak smile and climbs back onto his board. I climb on his board as well. I'm holding onto the ankle strap of my board so it doesn't float away.

I reach for his hand and he takes mine. I scoot closer and wrap my arms around him.

I tell him, "I didn't mean to upset you."

He shakes his head, "You didn't, I just," He takes a breath, "It's so hard without my Mom, and trying to imagine having this place without everyone, makes me so sad."

I nod in agreement, "It would be depressing without everyone, but hey, we would make it work Jere, we always do."

Jere looks up at the sky, it's barely sunset but the blue is starting to melt away.

I embrace his face with the palm of my hand, "I'm here Jere, let it out."

He continues to cry and pulls our chests together. I rub his back and kiss his jawline as his eyes shed water.

"Want to go back to the shore and just watch the waves?" He asks wiping his tears away.

I nod, "Sure."

We paddle back to the shore and just lay on the damp sand near the water.

His head is on my stomach as we both lay.

I'm playing with his curls, his hand is rubbing against my stomach.

"I wish life was this simple," He says.

"It could be," I respond, I lean forward and kiss his forehead, "Let's make it simple."

"You're right, let's make it simple and still tell everyone at dinner," Jere suggests.

I sit up and look at his face as it turns up to look at me.

"After, we could call our dads' and let them know," He continues to reassure me and to conclude his thought.

I take a moment and think, that plan could work.

I nod, "Sure, let's do that." I look up at the sky and nearly all of the blue has been replaced with orange. It doesn't hit me sooner but if it's sunset that means it's almost dinner time, almost time for the moment I've been dreading the most.

I stand up and offer my hand to Jere, he takes it and spins me off the ground.

"I love you, Jeremiah Fisher!" I scream, releasing anything negative.

"I love you, Lauren Fisher!" He screams. It makes my heart flutter hearing him call me a Fisher.

We take our boards and rinse them off outside. I run inside, take a quick shower, and change into a white tank top and shorts.

I head back downstairs to help prepare dinner.

estrellas~jeremiah x oc (TSITP FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now