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He didn't expect the group of four that all but appeared out of nowhere.

He immediately recognised Ochako and Shinso, and opened his mouth to say something, when... Well, when his mind registered the two persons with them.

It was the Dazai Osamu, and the Nakahara Chuuya, from the Detective Agency.

After All Might's, Midoriya was the ultimate fan of the Agency. See : a detective agency, working with Heros, which didn't care wether you were quirkless or not ?

Had he not received the One for All, Izuku was pretty sure he would've tried their entrance exam.⁷

«- See, Chibi,» Dazai's smooth voice cut through the stunned silence, « have I already been wrong ?»

Iida was still busy gaping at them, while Stain had taken a defensive position.

«- Stop gloating, Bastard, it'll get back to you.» Nakahara glared at the Hero Killer. « You made us run around quite a bit, Stain. So either you follow us politely, or I'll make you a stain on the fucking walkway.»

Midoriya turned towards Ochako and Shinso. Was he serious ?! He just couldn't reconcile, in his mind, the shy man on magazine's covers, and the brutal detective in front of him.

Ochako just shrugged, as if that was a normal occurrence.

«- Mmh,» Dazai frowned, before calling out loud, « Uraraka, Shinso ! Permission to use your Quirks ! Rescue over arrest, we wouldn't want to see Native here die of blood loss.»

Said Native let out a strangled but grateful chuckle from his corner of the alleyway. Oops. Midoriya may have forgotten about him.

Ochako and Shinso stepped forward. Izuku noticed she wasn't wearing her hero costume.

«- Remember, kids : street smart !»

«- Shut up and let them do, asshole.»

Midoriya watched with wide eyes as Ochako shot forward, using her Quirk on herself midway, and desarming Stain with one sharp move. His friend landed next to Native, immediately pulling out a first aid kit from her belt.

The Hero Killer stood there for an instant, rendered stupid. Dazai and Nakahara still hadn't moved, studying the fight carefully.

«- Stain !» called Shinso, « Why do you kill Heroes ?!»

«- Because they're false Heroes ! The only true one is All-»

«- Got you.»

Stain froze, eyes empty and arms hanging uselessly. Izuku couldn't help but be amazed at how quick the Villain had been handled. To think Heroes had been struggling for months !

Shinso approached wearily, and hit a point on the Hero Killer's neck. The man crumbled like a puppet without strings. The purple haired teenager proceeded to handcuff him.

«- Report,» Nakahara asked harshly.

«- Subject has been apprehended, no visible wounds, currently unconscious,» responded Shinso.

«- Native is suffering from important lesions around the abdomen, and important vessels have most likely been touched. The blood loss has been stopped, but he'll need urgent professional care.»


Dazai and Nakahara nodded along. The second one pulled out a phone, clearly calling for an ambulance. The brown man, however, turned towards Iida and him.

«- Well, well, well~ what do we have here~ Playing Heroes, are we ?»

«- We-»

«- This wasn't a question, Iida-san. You put yourself and others in danger by seeking out Stain for revenge. It is almost sad you have nothing to use as a lesson.»⁸

A shiver ran down Izuku's back. Did he... Did he really said that ? Did he really said that, someone getting seriously injured, or- or someone dying would've taught Iida a lesson ?! The boy withered when Dazai's cold eyes fell onto him.

«- What about you ? Gran Torino's charge, am I right ? When did he allow you to go on your own, after a wanted serial killer ?»

Midoriya gathered what he had of bravery left to answer what was clearly a retorical question.

«- B-bu-but, if Iida and I hadn't been here, Native could've died-»

«- Yes, he would surely have,» it was Nakahara who answered. « But you were pretentious, thinking you could take on your own the man that has already killed a good dozen of seasoned Heroes.» he paused, cocking a hip. « We could very well have found not one, but three bodies in that alley.»

Midoriya shut up. The paramedics arrived, sirens ringing in the air. Todoroki appeared by the entrance, and blinked, seeing that it was already done.

Just as the ambulance left, and as the police arrived, a loud screech echoed in the street. Which was... Pretty devastated, with flames everywhere.

A couple of Nomus were flying around, doing what they were best at : devastating.

«- Oh, for fuck sake,» cursed Nakahara, « can't somebody put a fucking leach on that flame thrower fucker ?!»

Todoroki jumped, looking with wide eyes at the small man that had just slandered his father.

«- Language, Chibi,» chided Dazai next to him, « there are children around.»

Nakahara ignored him, taking a step forward. Midoriya watched with wide eyes as a red glow covered him, then the Nomus, who crumbled to the ground, pressed there by an invisible force.

The ginger haired man climbed up a reversed car.

«- OI !» (he jumped at the volume) « FLAMING ASSHOLE ! CAN'T YOU LOOK AT WHERE YOU'RE THROWING ?!»

«- FUCK YOU !» came the immediate answer. « GO BACK ADVERTISING PANTIES !»⁹

Midoriya had never seen so much emotions on Todoroki's face. The boy looked appalled.

Once again, Izuku turned towards Ochako, as if she was holding the key of the Universe. But his friend only shrugged.

«- That's Nakahara-sensei for you.»


⁷: midoriya want most and for all to be a hero.
but he's a huge nerd, and was immediately interested in the agency, who employs quirkless people yet still resolves crimes and works with heroes.
it was only logical for it to be his second plan would he fail to become a hero.

⁸: dazai actually doesn't want them to witness someone's death.
but, unlike bsd's world, mha's is more of a 'there is no war in ba sing se' kind.
dazai mean that it would be good for them to open their eyes and look further away than the black and white society model.

⁹: fuyumi is part of the agency.
there was obviously a stare down at one moment, for which double black visited in its entirety.
endeavour may have felt gravity, and now remembers to respect the little quick tempered red head.
doesn't mean he likes him, thought.

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