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He had worked with one of them once or twice, and Tsukauchi had a never ending list of good things to say about them - but what really mattered to him, was that they were efficient.

A strange bunch, for sure, but an efficient one.

Aizawa still remembered how it had began. They hadn't done it quietly, no. They started by tearing down the last active yakuza group, and adopting the poor girl that had been used as a laboratory rat.

Yeah, way to start with a bang.

After that, Nakahara had taken a job as a model - and Aizawa's gay ass had to admit he was damn good at it.

(Don't tell Hizashi he said that.)

The man was somehow stupidly beautiful ; but having met him once, the ginger had a temper proportional to his looks. Easily angered, but still practical, thankfully.

It was through his partner, however, that the Agency really earned its notoriety. Dazai Osamu was like an oracle - everything always went according to his plans, as if he could see the future.

Aizawa was incredibly grateful that he had never encountered Nedzu. The world would not survive the meeting.

Still, he had worked with them once or twice, as Eraserhead.

And he wouldn't lie : it was pleasant. Dazai and Nakahara treated him like a sentient, intelligent being, worth to be respected, and not like a shady hikikomori with a useful Quirk.
They looked at the world and saw its faults ; but they didn't picture themselves as saviours of humanity. They were just 'people with nothing better to do than to protect other people', in Nakahara's words.

Dazai and Nakahara had quickly become highly mediatic figures ; but their little bunch of investigators weren't. And so, one after another, the resolved cases piled up, landing in court with enough proofs to have the guilty condemned, no matter the defence.

It was nice.

To know that behind all the Hero Glamour™, there still were competent people working.

So, Aizawa didn't know how to react, when Nedzu had handed him the two internship offers.

Uraraka, why not. She was a smart girl, with a drive and a will. She could still progress, but that was why this school was about, wasn't it ?

Shinso... Aizawa had actually intended to offer him some private lessons. The boy's Quirk was more than adapted to Hero work, but the entrance exam had done him a disservice - when did it not ?
So he had watched the paper, on which "The Detective Agency would be honoured to welcome Shinso Hitoshi for a seven days internship".


Eraserhead knew this wasn't the first time. Another student from General had been offered an internship, a few years ago.
(Pretty sure he was still working there.)

So Aizawa had pondered. Technically, Shinso wasn't his student, he didn't have any say in the matter. But, the boy wanted an in for a Hero carrier, and he had the experience to help him.

However... However, the Detective Agency wasn't any agency. It was a place you walked out changed. Like how your life is different, before and after you visit Florence.

So Aizawa pondered, and gave the offer to Shinso. The way the boy's eyes sparkled was enough.



She was still her vibrant, smiling and avenant self. But something had changed.

It was in her eyes, the way she looked at the people around her.
It was in the way the other problematic children, namely Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki looked at her.
It was in her way of moving, with an assurance that had finally bloomed.
It was even in the way she fought, ferociously but precisely, smartly.

Sometimes, Aizawa had flashes. It was as if, in place of the pink and brown haired girl, stood a red and ginger man.


The first thing she'd done, coming back, was commissioning a new costume to the support department. If the colour scheme stayed the same, it was now more practical, easier to move in, with straps for a first aid kit and a few support gadgets.

He was proud, of course. She was one of his brats. But... Deep down, it saddened him a little. To see her all grown up, without him to see the way it happened.

It was silly, the way Aizawa's heart went full again, when Nedzu handed him over the recommendation letters that had been written for Shinso.

'Say, Nedzu-shi,' it said,
'You've got pretty interesting kids this year~
Shinso-kun would very much like some classes in heroics, though. Eraserhead-kun is his favourite, but we'll take Shinso back if he's a meanie~

I hope Uraraka is doing good,' had been added at the end, in a strict writing that was without any doubt Nakahara's,
'Tell her to mind her footing and to be careful of her balance.

Eri says hello.'

Nedzu smiled that wicked grin of his, the one foreboding of nothing good.

«- Interesting, isn't it ?»


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