Chapter -5: The Heart's Dilemma

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Namjoon smiled as he watched Jungkook devour his dinner with gusto.

"Slow down, Kookie," Namjoon chuckled, ruffling Jungkook's hair gently. "You are eating like you haven't had a meal in days."

Jungkook looked up with a mischievous grin, "But Papa this is my favorite! Can't help it!"

Namjoon laughed, "I can see that. Just don't forget to chew your food properly."

Jungkook grin at Namjoon.

As they were enjoying their dinner, the doorbell rang, interrupting them.

"I wonder who that could be," Namjoon mused."Stay here, Kookie. I will go check."

Jungkook nodded, his curiosity piqued as he watched his father make his way to the door.

As Namjoon opened the door, he was surprised to see Bohyun standing there with a serious expression on his face.

"Namjoon ssi, I am sorry to interrupt your dinner, but there's something important we need to discuss," Bohyun said urgently.

Concerned, Namjoon nodded, inviting Bohyun inside. "Of course, please come in. Is everything alright?"

Bohyun entered the house, followed by another man. Namjoon got confused.

"Namjoonssi, this is Euntaek," Bohyun introduced.

Namjoon bowed to Euntaek and he did the same.

As Jungkook noticed Bohyun, his face lit up with excitement, and he greeted them happily. Euntaek's expression shifted with surprise upon seeing Jungkook, but he remained silent.

Namjoon,gently nudged Jungkook and whispered, "Kookie, why don't you go to your room for a bit? I will come and tuck you in later."

Jungkook nodded and obediently made his way to his room.

Once Jungkook was out of earshot, Namjoon turned back to Bohyun and Euntaek, ready to continue their discussion.

Bohyun and Euntaek remained silent at first, their expressions serious as they exchanged glances.

Finally, Euntaek sighed heavily, his voice trembling with emotion "Five years ago, my wife and I lost our three year old son named Jungkook. He had a name tag on his clothes when he went missing, and we searched everywhere for him, but we couldn't find him. We eventually lost hope of ever seeing him again."
He paused, his eyes filled with sorrow as he continued, "But then, a few days ago, my wife saw Jungkook and thought he looked strikingly similar to our lost son. We couldn't be certain, but when Bohyun saw the baby pictures on your wall, we realized that Jungkook is indeed our son."

The weight of Euntaek's words hung heavy in the air as Namjoon processed the revelation.

Euntaek took a deep breath, his voice trembling with emotion as he spoke again. "We are here because we want to reconnect with our son, Namjoonssi. We want to be a part of his life again, if you will allow it."

Namjoon's mind raced as he grappled with the magnitude of the situation.

As Euntaek and Bohyun waited anxiously for Namjoon's response, he struggled to find the right words. On one hand, he wanted to do what was best for Jungkook and allow Euntaek to reconnect with his lost son. On the other hand, the thought of parting with Jungkook, whom he had nurtured and cared for as his own, was almost unbearable.

In the midst of his inner turmoil, Namjoon looked at Jungkook's picture on the wall, his heart swelling with love and pride for the boy who had brought so much joy into his life.

Finally, after a moment of silence, Namjoon spoke with a heavy heart. "I... I understand your desire to reconnect with Jungkook, and I empathize with your loss. But Jungkook has become a vital part of my life, and the thought of losing him is incredibly difficult for me to bear."

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