Chapter -8: The Reckoning

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Lisa was crying and hugging her hand, feeling really sad. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Quickly, she wiped her tears away, took a deep breath to calm down, and walked to the door.

She opened the door revealing Euntake.

Jungkook still felt uncomfortable around Euntaek, not only uncomfortable, but there was also a disconnection he couldn't shake, unlike the bond he shared with Namjoon. Speaking of Namjoon, he hadn't attempted to reach out or visit Jungkook, leading Jungkook to wonder if his father had forgotten about him or didn't want him anymore.

Despite missing Namjoon, Jungkook couldn't talk to him because of Euntaek's strictness. When Jungkook expressed his wish not to live with them, Euntaek almost hit him. Lisa stepped in, taking the heat instead. This made Jungkook dislike Euntaek even more.

And Euntaek realized Jungkook and him needed to get closer, so he planned a special day just for them. He hoped doing fun things together would help them connect and become closer.

And after a long day he is back and walks into the house, without looking at Lisa.

Confused, Lisa asked, "Where is Jungkook?" Euntake brushed past her without a word. Lisa, growing more anxious, grabbed Euntake's arm and demanded, "Where is Jungkook?"

"Why does it matter to you?" Euntake retorted coldly.

"Because Jungkook is my son!" Lisa exclaimed, a mix of fear and confusion in her eyes.

Euntake laughed mockingly, "Yes, your son! That's exactly why I don't care!"

Lisa was taken aback by his cruel words.
" What are you talking about Euntake"

Suddenly, Euntake's demeanor changed.He slapped Lisa, causing her to fall to the ground. Shocked, Lisa touched her cheek, looking up at him with disbelief.

Euntake then knelt beside her, grabbing her hair cruelly, his face inches from hers. "Whose son is Jungkook?" he demanded.

Through her pain and fear, Lisa replied, "He is your son, Euntake!"

Euntake's frustration peaked as he yelled, "That's impossible! I can never be a father!"

When Jungkook was born, everyone in the family was really happy, especially Euntake. Before marrying Lisa, Euntake's first wife passed away without having any children, so Jungkook's birth felt like a blessing. However, Euntake and Lisa's marriage wasn't based on love, it was arranged by their families, more like a business deal than a romantic relationship.

Despite this, Euntake tried to be a good husband. Lisa, though, wasn't happy and often kept her distance. This situation frustrated Euntake, who already had a quick temper. He started to be mean to Lisa, sometimes even physically hurting her. Lisa felt trapped but decided to stay quiet for the sake of her baby, especially after finding out she was pregnant.

After Jungkook was born, things got a bit better. Euntake calmed down a little, possibly because he felt the responsibility of being a dad.

But when Jungkook turned one, they went for a regular health checkup, and something unexpected came up, hinting that their troubles weren't over yet.

Euntake and Lisa have taken Jungkook to the hospital for his health check up. As they awaited their turn Dr. Juyoung, a fresh face in the hospital and a friend of Euntake, spotted them and approached with a welcoming smile.

"Good to see you here, Euntake!"Dr. Juyoung said, his voice warm and friendly, breaking the ice and easing the inherent tension of a hospital visit.

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