25 : escape

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It was the basement of the West's mansion.

Amethyst was tied on a chair while rosalina kept beating her with a bat.

Yes, it was way too cruel. But for Rosalina, this wasn't enough.

"Aagh!! No!! I'm sorry!!!" Amethyst kept crying, begging for mercy.

"You. How dare you hang out with a filthy blood?" Rosalina asked.

"I. He is not a filthy blood!! If someone is, that would be you. You are not even a true West. Who gave you the right to touch me!!" Amethyst shouted.

"Hehehehahhahahhahahahahahh!! You b!t(π! I knew you would figure it out!! Heh. You think you would be able to make me lose?" Rosalina laughed as if a maniac.

"No You old hag. I made you lose." Amethyst smirked wider while her tears still flowed over her face.

"Ooh~ how so?~" the old hag asked.

"Mm. I don't know~ Maybe,about the human trafficking-"

"Do you think you won if you knew about something?".

"No you pea brain. I have the evidence. Not only that~ I'm not the only enemy you got is it now?" Amethyst had a smug look on her face.

Rosalina tensed up. "Hehe. I'll make sure you won't be alive to present those evidence. And I'll destroy that EnEmY too~ hahahahahah!!".

"Oops~. If that was your plan, I made a very big mistake. I shouldn't have messaged Mrs. Smith to sent polices over here. She even already appointed a lawyer. I wonder if they are currently on the court. Mm~ oh also, I thought you were always that smart to even know if I have been recording oir conversation. Even if you kill me, you won't get enough time to destroy all the evidence. And if you think you will have your revenge after killing me, I don't give a fuck about this life" She said.

"Ooh~ hahahhahaha!!! I guess my life ends here~ but before that~" Rosalina grabs a knife and tries to stab Amethyst.

But Amethyst had already untied herself during their conversation.

She defended herself with her hands.

The knife stabbed her arm.

"Aagh!! You!" Amethyst got stabbed again. But this time, it was her leg.

Amethyst cried in pain.

She pushed Rosalina away.

She ran to a certain space she had her eye on while trying to find a place to escape.

She was limping as her leg got stabbed.

She jumped through the window but Rosalina grabs her by her neck.

"I'll never let you live. If you didn't care, you would never have ran away~ eheheh. You Wests. I have hated you all ever since you all ruined my family! That Theo West. He... He killed my father! Then he, he impregnated my mother by force! *sobbing* your grandfather was with him. Yes. Your grandfather and his brother ruined our lives! Your grandmother was there too. But, but she didn't help us! She blamed my mom! She killed my mom r-right infront of my, my eyes... then h-he" she cried.

"That's just excuses!!" Amethyst shouted while crying as well.

"Yes! I agree. You have all the right to take revenge on him! But you should've done that in the way of law! He is the one that hurted you! B-but you... You killed my fucking parents!!!! I wanted to take revenge on you and here I am, in the way of law!!! You had the right to take revenge on my grandfather but, you jad no right to do the crimes. How is selling drugs and girls related to this!? Rn you are way worse than my grandfather" Amethyst cried.

"I... I'm sorry!" Rosalina cried.

Amethyst pushed Rosalina away and jumped down the window.

Her legs were aching.

She looked around.

It was dark outside already.

She stood up and walked as fast she could.

She wished that she could live.

Yes. She was just bluffing when she said she didn't give a fuck about this life. She did give them. Alot of them [does that sound weird?].

She prayed to god she can survive.

"S-star!?" A voice came up.

This voice. It was too familiar to Amethyst that she would never get it wrong.

She turned to her side.

"Aiden!" Amethyst cried.

She ran to him while he did the same.

They hugged eachother.

"I-I thought I could never see you again." Amethyst cried out.

"What happened?!" Aiden asked with his one hand on Amethyst's head and the other on her waist.

"Let's go to a hospital" Aiden took her to the hospital.

Amethyst was lying on the hospital bed while Aiden was next to her peeling an apple.

She had passed out because of tiredness.

She slowly opened her eyes.

"A-aiden..?" Amethyst weakly asked.

"Star! You are awake. Thank God!" Aiden cried.

"Are you fine now? I heard from the doctor that your leg and arm got stabbed. I'm so sorry. I should've followed you" Aiden said.

"No... It's fine. It all happened because I hung out with specifically today" Amethyst said looking down at the blanket.

"It's not fine. How can it be fine if I'm not even able to protect the only girl I love" Aiden said.

"Wh-what!?" Amethyst looked up.

Aiden's tear flowing while his crimson red blush glimmered.

"I love you Star. I realised it a little late. I tried to date a lot of girls but you are the only one I love" Aiden confessed.

"Do you like me, Star? He asked.

"I... Do" She replied.

Aiden looked at her surprised.

Her face was burning red.

He was extremely happy.

He stood up and hugged her.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Aiden asked.


His heart dropped.

"What?" Aiden asked.

"No. I won't be your girlfriend. You asked me the wrong question" Amethyst said.

"Wro-?" He understood.

He stood straight the bend down on one knee and he said.

"Will you marry me star?" He asked her while showing the peel of the apple which was folded into a ring shape.

Amethyst giggled.

"Yes, my love" she answered.

They both chuckles.

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