26: Please! Let this be the end.

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They all were at the court.

Amethyst, Aiden, Nephy, Chase, Mrs and Mr. Smith, Rosalina and Sebastian.

The court had finally charged Rosalina and Sebastian for their crimes.

They were prisoned for 25 years and had to pay 2,000,000$ as fine.

"We won Star." Mrs. Smith said.

"Yes we did" Amethyst replied.

"We'll be leaving then, Star." Mr. Smith said and Amethyst nodded.

They left.

"Congrats Star" Nephy said.

"Why didn't you tell me anything about this, Sis?" Chase asked.

"You weren't here, dumbass" Amethyst said.

"Yeah, yeah. And why does he have his hands around your waist?" Chase asked pointing Aiden.

"We are engaged" she said.

"What!? When??? I don't approve" Chase said.

"Go between them and I will snap your neck" Nephy said.

Chase was shook.

Amethyst chuckles and Aiden smirks.

Finally! This story is finished~

I'm not good at making scenes that much so it's bad but,

Thank you for reading!! Love you all.

Bye! <3

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