The Second Key

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Narrator's POV

Airazor screechs from above as she glided over the trees, making sure no harm came to either her old friends and new ones. Her right wing however was damaged and turned into an ugly bronze mold that spread and burnt right through the metal and meanwhile down below in the stream, the group follows Primal through the jungle.

"Hey, back there, you called me 'Sonic'" Noah said to Mirage as they were walking through the stream while Eva was walking beside him. "Yeah. Your little bro's got this thing about using real names over the airwaves so…" Mirage answered and this made Noah confused as he asked "Wait, have you been talking to Kris?" and Mirage replied as he shows Noah a walkie talkie in his forearm "Uh-huh. He gave me this to keep tabs on you. Make sure I'm keeping my promise" and adds "He calls you Sonic and the little lady Nightblade. Cool name if you ask me" and then Mirage yelped while ducking when a throwing star was thrown at him, but it hit Bumblebee's shoulder, who let out a surprise whirl as he pulled the throwing star off his shoulder.

"Don't... Call me that. Only Kris can. Besides I trust that little guy with that personal name..." Eva said with a small frown. "Sorry" Mirage apologized still smiling as Bumblebee gave a whirl as if he's asking why she hit him. "I was trying to hit Mirage, not you. But he dodged it" Eva answered softly to him, making Bumblebee nod at her before glaring at Mirage, who just smiled innocently at him. "Oh, here" Noah de-equips the arm weapon and holds it up before adding "Next time, include warning labels" and Mirage shakes his head and says "Nah, go ahead. Keep it" and Noah smiles boyishly and hooks it back on while saying "I guess it does look better on me" and then Mirage said "Just don't ask what part of my body it came from" and chuckles, leaving Noah confused while Eva had a disgusted look on her face.

 Keep it" and Noah smiles boyishly and hooks it back on while saying "I guess it does look better on me" and then Mirage said "Just don't ask what part of my body it came from" and chuckles, leaving Noah confused while Eva had a disgusted look on ...

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"So, who are you?" Neziha asked as he and Elena were both walking next to Primal. "We, Maximals are an advanced race. Dedicated to the expansion of life throughout the universe. We use the Transwarp Key to visit young worlds" Primal said as he looks at the two while explaining. "The Nazca Lines? The temple at Tikal? That was you guys, right?" Elena asked as she remembered the pictures she'd seen when she was at the museum. "Not us. We cannot claim credit for human ingenuity" Primal said and Optimus looks at him and asks "But you had the key! Why stay on this world?" and Primal replied with, "When Unicron destroyed our world, we took an oath dedicated to the preservation of life, no matter the cost. And Earth has been a safe refuge" and that's when he looked forward and saw Eva was ahead of them as she was looking around while fixing her arm blade.

"Your human friend is different from the rest of the humans. I sense that she has strength that's nothing like humans" Primal said as he looked at Elena and asked "Tell me, how is she able to have advanced technology and abilities?" and Elena looks at him as she answered "Eva has a special muscular composition called 'abnormal muscular constitution' so it makes her muscles eight times denser than a regular human. But, in order for her to maintain her composition; she either has to train for forty-eight hours or eat as much as three sumo wrestlers" and then she turned her attention back to Eva. "What about her abilities?" Cheetor asked as he was also looking at Eva curiously and Neziha looked at him and answered "My Mommy has immense speed, quick reflexes and enhanced flexibility. She's also an inventor" and then he puffed out his chest and said proudly "I have the coolest Mommy ever!".

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