Chapter 1: The Birth Of A God

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In an unknown place and an unknown time... There is a planet within the universe.

As we begin to go inside the planet, we see countless human-like people with furry tails.

Even more deeper is a hospital, where a woman is in labor. While the man looks very worried, as the doctor professionally tries to deliver.

"Larda, I believe in you. Push even harder!" The man anxiously said, but with a hint of confidence and trust.

"Kogu, you don't have to worry... I think our saiyan boy is strong, to even make me, an elite saiyan this fragile..." Said Larda tiredly and a bit excited for the outcome.

The two young adults kept going back and forth with eachothers support, until it was truly time.

The baby was born... With red hair and tail?


"Waaaa, Waaaa" Was the first noises that was held as everything got quiet.

"C-Congratulations! The baby is safe and in full health!" Said the doctor, as it was holding the baby flabbergasted.

The baby was given to Larda and she kept him in her hold.

"Doctor... Is the red hair... A common occurence?" Said Larda confused.

"Uh... It is sometimes rare to see a baby born with red hair, but it goes to black after they get older...?" The doctor said.

'As if! I just don't want to look untrustworthy as a doctor...' The doctor cried inside his mind.

"What a squirmy little thing... Let's call him Squirmot." Kugo said, as he watched the baby move around while crying on top of Larda.

He got hit in the head by Larda.

"Don't you dare joke around like that! His name will be... Essence!" Said Larda.

"But... That goes against the norms... He will get bullied..." Said Kogu worriedly.

"Kogu, we already go against the norms. You and me being together is..."

"Larda... I agree that a low-level saiyan like me being with an elite saiyan together is uncommon. However we can still give him a normal life!"

"Kogu! We are saiyans! Do you think we live a normal life!? Sooner or later Essence will be missioned out to a planet for god's sake!" Said Larda unreluctantly.

"... I forgot that because of me, Essence has to go through the planet destroying mission the moment he can crawl..." Said Kogu disappointingly.

Usually they are sent out to missions after passing the training camp at the age of five.

"He won't ever feel our love... He will never remember us after growing up..." Said Larda gritting her teeth, as she caressed Essence's red hair.

"Um... Alrighty then, since you all have gotten to know eachother. Shouldn't it be time to check his power level?" The doctor opposed a plan, to change the subject.

"Yes!" Agreed the young parents, with stars in their eyes.


"Hm?" The doctor seemed a bit confused.

"What's wrong doctor?" Asked Kugo.

"No, no. It just seems like my scouter can't seem to pick up a signal. I guess it's broken. We can check his power in the gestation tank."

They all went to the underground floor of the hospital, where all the tanks were held.

There they put Essence inside the tank.

"Now we just need to put on the tube and voila! As we can see his power level is... Huh?"

It didn't show anything.

"Hehe... I think this tank may be broken? Let's try another one."

At this point the parents looked at this untrustworthy doctor sideways.

"Now, now. All done! Let's see here now... His power level is... Um... Why isn't it giving any number? This is a brand new tank..." Said the doctor with sweat coming down his forehead.

"What does this mean doctor?" Said the parents worried.

"I'm not so sure..."

At this point the parents looked angry at him.

"What do you mean not sure!?" Said Kugo madly.

"It's just uh... Maybe it takes time?"

"Hmph! Fine! How long will it take?" The parents nodded at this valid point.

"I don't..."

The parents gave death stares.

"I mean! *ahem* I don't think it will take  longer than a month!" Said the doctor nervously.

"Let's go dear. We will come back in a month and you better tell us the power level!" Both of them walked away.

"I'm... Doomed, aren't I?" The doctor swallowed his saliva.


While inside the tube, there happens a miracle.

'Where... Am I?' Thought the baby for the first time.

'It's hard to move... Huh? Why are my hands small? Wait... A pink tail? What is going on!?'

'Don't tell me...'


It's been a few months when I was born.

The doctor that was appointed to me apparently ran far far far far away.

There are many rumors about me and my weird body. It even reached king Vegeta's ears.

He wasn't interested in the rumors. Afterall it was just about colors.

I was called cursed, because of my parents actions. As a low saiyan usually being together with an elite saiyan apparently is a bad omen.

However only I know the truth...

What was the truth?

I was born with God ki!

The End

(AN: New story! Hopefully will get to the end of it then... 😅

Every vote you give, is a new chapter ^_^)

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