Chapter 5: The Beginning Of Dragon Ball

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The girl was Bulma.

Then she proceeded to ask about the location of the dragon ball.

Goku had remembered a star ball that looked like the one she was talking about.

He brought us all there for it.

Soon it went like the plot.

Me and Broly had just seemed to turn into side characters in this place.

I guess they have the halo of the protagonist.

Suddenly Bulma turned around towards me.

"Hey! Are you all brothers or something? Since you all have the same cosplay on, except yours is red all over."

She seemed interested in our tails.

"You could say so, I guess."

We are all from the same planet, in another planet we would be the closest in blood.

Goku seemed confused at what I said, but brushed it off. He didn't like to think too much.

"The tails seem quite advanced, can I have a look?"

Bulma said as he approached Goku and tried to pluck it off.


It's been a few days since Bulma realised we were built different.

She was shocked to see Goku's strength aswell. We never showcased our strength, since it really isn't needed.

"Essence, do you really believe there is a dragon who grants wishes?" Broly was doubtful.

"You'll see Broly."

"Can't you just teleport us all to the places where the wishing beads are at?" Broly asked.

Since all we have been doing is see Goku go against weak guys.

"That is true, but this is just a journey. Goku has so much potential as a mortal. He could even reach your height one day. Who knows, maybe even become the strongest mortal in the multiverse. So why not watch him grow?"

Broly was shocked. How could this weak saiyan, if not the weakest saiyan become the strongest mortal? This is simply delusional.

However Broly accepted Essence's words into his heart, since he believes what he said.

'Though he will be much weaker than you after many years, since I got to train you.' I giggled.


We have finally caught all the wishing beads and Bulma thought her wish was pointless.

She had found Broly attractive.

I wished for Broly to be able to survive in a vacuum. That was his biggest weakness.

Goku didn't want to wish for anything.

Afterwards Bulma had left with Broly to her place.

Broly was very reluctant at first, since he has always been next to me. However he saw that I just smiled and waved.

Broly's arm got snatched and forced to go with Bulma.

After they walked off a bit far, I turned to Goku.

"Hey Goku, are you now planning to go learn from Roshi?" Afterall they had promised to meet and learn the turtle school.

"Yes, but I don't remember which way to go..." Goku smiled sheepishly.

"Hold onto my hand."

Goku was confused for a bit, but did as he was told.


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