A Helping Hand

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Husk slides down agenst the door frame of Angels room. He shuffles through the cards one more time.


"Angel.... are you there?" Huskers low ears perk up when he hears rustling behind the door.

"Hm..." Angel tried to talk, but his throat felt as if it was ripped open and burned. So he decided agenst talking and just groaned in response.

No matter how many times Husk shuffled through the cards, he still couldn't under stand what to do.

"Lend a helping hand, and a shoulder to cry on?..." His ruff voice mumbled lowly.

"UGH!" Husker throws the cards agenst the wall. They flutter around hitting the wall and floor gently.

"Angel. You don't need to answer ok? I just want you to know that I'm here, and I'll listen If you want to talk. No matter how high or drunk you get, I'll always listen to your crazy horrible life story's. Ok? I'll always be a good bartender, and I'll try to be a good... friend..." Husker rubbed the back of his neck in hopes he didn't fail as comfort to Angel.


The door slowly opened. The cat shot up in front of the door. His soft feet paws felt the cards he threw under him as he stood in anticipation.

Angels voice is horse and painful to listen to as he speaks.
"Curios-ity r-really ki-killed the cat-t did-n't it Husk?"

Husks eyes widen when he saw Angels face. His right set of eyes were all bruised, purple and black with stains of blood and matted fur. His gloves dripped blood on to the floor, the white rug had stains and drips all over it. The bed side table drawer, and handle, was coverd in red hand prints and splatters. A huge amount of blood had soaked in to Angels heart shaped bed. Angels poor eyes are blood shot and horribly tired.

"Angel..." Husk deeply wished he could scream how this might have happend. But he swallowed his words before speaking again. "Do you want to talk about it?..."

"W-what?" Angel finally realized that Husk was actually worried. He thought he was making fun of him, or mabye being forced by Charlie but... he was genuine. Husks cat ears were down as his body shaked. His red and black feathers were ruffled and twitching. Back and forth, and back and forth, Husks feathery Cat tail swished near the floor, a sign of worry and frustration in cats. And his face....

Huskers pupils were pointy and sharp with in his horrified eyes.
Coverd the poor old cats face.

"Y-yeah... act-uall-y... I'd lik-e t-that..." Angel gave a soft but weak smile as he let Husk inside.



"You don't have to answer if ya don't wanna" hearing Huskers low voice gave Angel some comfort. So meny times before Angel had spilled over to the poor bar tender that his voice gave extreme amounts of comfort when he didn't feel well.

"N-no, no... it's al-alright-... Do yo-u rem-ember when you c-called m-y person-ality f-fake?... we-ll this is m-me Hus-k, thi-s is me..." Angel clenched his chest, and waist with both sets of crossed arms, almost as if he was about to hurl.

"No it's not" Husk sat on Angels bed, opposite of the blood soaked spot. He opened one of his wings completely out while staring at the wall, offering a hug to the tall spider without words.

"B-but yo-u alw-ays y-yell at m-e to n-never touc-"

"I don't care. You need it." Husker still dosent makes eye contact with Angel. Hesitant, Angel slowly wobbles towards the wing. He bends down and rests his head on Husks shoulder and cuddles close. Husk presses his soft, warm, and comforting wing agenst Angels back. "Do ya wanna actually talk about what happend?"

Husks voice stays calm and quite while talking to his now crying friend. Angel grips and the cats shoulder fur.

"I-i... Hu-sk?...."


"I.... don't wa-nt to l-live... hus-k..."

"I know Angel"

"Th-then pl-lease... ki-ll me..."





"Because even though your already dead. Plenty of people will miss you"

"The-y'd get o-over it!-"

"I wouldn't"

"But y-you hate m-e... you al-ways have... y-you'd forget- a-bout me with i-in min-nutes..."

"Is that really what you think of me?"


"I'd miss ya more then anyone"


"Yea" Husk finally turned towards Angel. "I think I'd end up leave'n with ya. I mean you are the only person I can talk to ya know?"


"Yea, your the only one that listens to the poor old bartender"

Angels eyes well up with tears as he starts to sob in Huskers shoulder. Husk wraps both wings and arms around the depressed spider demon hugging him tight.

"There, there, Angel.. let it out..."

"I-im sor-ryy!...." Angel tried to talk through his tears although they were only slightly audible.

'There's no need to be sorry Angel, you deserve comfort and happiness man" The spider snaked towards Huskers chest, thinking he'd be stoped before getting a full hug. But he was wrong. Husks soft paws gently grabbed Angels waist and laid down. His soft wings folded over the white demons shaking body.


Somthing Angels body and mind both haven't felt in decades. He passed out.

Husk knew he was still bleeding, but knew just holding him was enough right now.

He finally understood what the cards meant.

Lend a helping hand, and a shoulder to cry on.
Somthing he would never forget now.
Something he'd have to thank Charlie for.

~Keep your favorite cards close~ (HuskerDust. Storyline and smut!)Where stories live. Discover now