The Healing Begins

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Huskers old eyes slowly open, when he realized we're he was. Bright magenta and sparkely walls, what are supposed to be white fluffy rugs. And a small pink pig were all clear sign of were he was laying. That and Angel Dust passed out cold in his arms.

Husk couldn't ignore his pounding heart and turning stomach. He felt light as if he had no pain, or issues anymore. But shrugged it off as over drinking.

The cats soft paws rubbed Angels back.

Purrrrrrrr~ Purrrrrrrr~ Purrrrrrrr~

Husker was about to fall back asleep when Angel flung himself upwards screaming.

"VAL NO!!" Angels heavy frantic breathing and screaming startled the poor resting bar tender. That and Angels hands tugging on his chest fluff.


"W-WHA-T!? W-hat?.... wha...." Tears stream off of the spiders horrified face.


"Angeeeeeel....." Husk throws his head back on to the bed board, groaning about Angels sudden awakening and his loss of comfort.

"H-husk it's y-ou... i-m sorr-y" the top set of Angels arms wipe his tears away, for the first time in over 48 hours Angel could actually see. "I'm so sor-..... SORRY! AAH-" He finally noticed we he was.

When Angel awoke he was mounted on top of Husks lower half looking down on him. Once he realized Husk and himself were cuddling he freaked.


Angels ass hits the floor.

"HUSKER! D-DID WE!?!?" Angels white and pink face was more red and flushed then usual. His soar and coarse voice hurt when he screamed. Husk ponders the question for a second

"W-WAIT, NO! ANGEL NO! WHAT THE FUCK!" Angry blush spreads across the cats gray fur.

"OH- Oh, goo-" Angel coughs up blood in to his top right hand. Husk swings down to Angels side and gently puts a paw on his shoulder. Blood drips between the spiders magenta gloves, Angels choking worsens.

"Angel.... do you remember what happened last night?"

"N-no?- KUGHhha-" Angel begins to weeze as he chokes on blood and phlegm. Before Angel could ask Husk what happend he was gone.

"I completely forgot shit!!" Husks ears fall as he finds a medical kit to help Angels open wounds, that and a glass of cool water.

"H-husk? I-i fe-el dizzy-y.."

"I know Ang, Here." White shaky fingers grab the glass of water gently. Angel sips the water carefully.

"Can we take your shirt off Ang?"

"H-huh!" His face turns red again. "D-dint know you actually wanted me Whiskers~"

"ANGEL NO, ITS NOT LIKE THAT!" Husk quickly grabs the bottom trim of Angels tattered shirt and lifts it up. "Your bleeding like crazy! I need to stitch it! Please Ang"

"Yea, yeah~ you totally don't wanna fuck me~"


"Wait Ang?-"

"I said Angel" Husk helps Angel take his shirt off, then proceeds to dab the gash with a wet cloth.

"O-OW! And no, you said Ang!"

"No. I didn't. Your just going deaf stuiped."


"I'm kidding Ang"


"That's cause ya put the damn name in my head!" Husk growls as he starts to stitch the wound carefully. "Now stop moving or I might hurt ya by accident"

"Fine... but you said Ang"

"Is there a problem with that?" His voice is calm and quite now, instead of angry.

Angel blushes again.

"N-no I guess not.." The spiders pink eyes look away from the cats face.

Husk continues to clean, stitch, and bandage, all of Angels wounds. Until he gets to the spiders arms. Huskers paw grabs Angels soft white hands. Regret starts to sink in to Angels face.

"I'm sorry..." Angels voice is barley above a whisper when tears starts to form in the corners of his meny eyes.

"I know Legs, don't worry about it. Does your throat feel any better?" Husks genuine caring and soft voice made Angel loosen up a bit.

The spider clears his still slightly soar throat before talking.

"Yeah I'm feeling better. Thank you Husky~" Although being a spider demon, Angel snakes his way around Huskers waist pulling him in to a hug. Surprisingly, he gives in to the embrace, wrapping his wings and arms around him as he gently purrs unknowingly.

"I've never heard ya purr before Husky" Angel mumbles every word out of Husks fluffy chest.

"I'm not." His tail begins to swish as he grows upset.



Angel pulls away. The purring stops, Husk feels empty for a moment after.

"When'd ya learn to take care of wounds like that Husky?" Angel tilts his head. The cats eyes dart away.

"I fought in Nam when I was alive.."

"Oh! Really?"


"Huh" Angel lays hisnhead back down in to Husks chest fur. "Didn't expect that for some reason~...." He slowly falls back asleep in the cats arms.

The purring begins again soon after.

"Well look who FINALLY DECIDED TO SHOW UP!!" Vaggie throws her arms up high in to the sky in frustration. The tierd cat and tall spider slowly descend the stairs hand in hand. When Vaggie screams Angel squeezes Husks paw.

"Its ok Ang, it's just Mothy" The cat whispers to calm Angels nerves.

"Ang....." Angel barley mouths the nickname under his breath. He starts to blush at the word. A faint smile spreads across his pink face.

"Oh shit wait, Angel what happend?" Fear and worry begins to spread across the gray moths face when she sees Angels condition. The spiders long thin legs wobble as he walks. Blood stained bandage wraps around most of his body. Husk holds his shaking white hand.

"Did I hear Angles name?" Charlie peaks her head around a corner to see if the spider was around. She nearly collapsed when she started running towards him.

"What happened!!!"

"Hey, princess...." Angel looks away disgusting with himself.

"I'll make ya a drink ok? Come on" Husk let's go of Angels hand to walk to the bar. A sense of sadness and loss of comfort washes over Angel, although he doesn't know what it is.

"Yeah, ok..."

"Talk to me Angel what happend!"

"Listen princess I'm sorry for being gone ok? But please.... I don't wanna talk about it yet..." He turns and sits at the bar softly smiling at Husk, who knew what he wanted to drink.

"Ok Angel... as long as your ok now..."

Everything goes silent for a second. Husk walks over to Charlie. He starts to whisper.

"Thanks for the cards. Don't think I'd been able to help him this much with out em"

"Oh I doubt that" She giggles before shoo'ing him back towards the bar. "Angek likes you! Don't leave him hanging!" She winks as she whispers

"Sureeee he does~" the old cat rolls his eyes as he walks back. "Sure he does....." He takes a long drink to forget his emotions.

~Keep your favorite cards close~ (HuskerDust. Storyline and smut!)Where stories live. Discover now