Chapter 4

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Song: Humans - GEN.KLOUD

-That might work. But we'll have to be careful, it's only us this time.

-I doubt he would kill us, we'll be fine. Besides, he won't find out. This will work.

-If you say so.

-Let's go right now.


-Europa and Ganymede, what brings you here? The two moons had approached Titan, Moon and Earth.

-Hey Titan, we just wanted to see if there's room for two more? This made the three a little surprised. Europa and Ganymede hadn't exactly talked to Earth since the revolution. They hadn't talked to many at all actually. Moon felt that something was off, but Titan looked happy.

-Yes! Of course! I mean, that's okay right? Titan looked over to Moon and Earth. Earth nodded, moon stayed silent. Titan was happy because he thought Europa and Ganymede finally realized that Earth had changed, and that they now wanted to be friends. He too wanted to forget this whole thing.

-Great! Here, I'll teach you how to play. Titan began to teach the two moons who had never played before. Moon looked at them, something was off.

After a while of teaching, playing and laughing, it really seemed like Earth was getting along with Europa and Ganymede. Moon sighed, he still had that weird feeling, but he decided to ignore it. Things seemed good, Earth looked happy. That's all he wanted.

It was time to go, Saturn was getting worried about Titan again and Europa and Ganymede wanted to check on Jupiter, who had been acting weird lately. They said they're goodbyes and left the Goldilocks zone.

Now it was just Earth and Moon. Earth stopped smiling, knowing he didn't have to pretend anymore. Moon looked at him with a sad face and sighed.

-Is it getting worse? Earth nodded in response. Moon sighed again.

-Wars, a warmer year than ever before, wildfires, floods... in never ends. Earth also sighed. Every year seemed to be getting worse and worse. Moon felt bad, he couldn't do anything. He wish he could hug his hurting friend, but that would end terribly.

-I'm sorry to hear that... I wish I could help..

-It's okay... maybe they'll change.. I still have hope. Earth told himself that, even though he knew that it wouldn't get better.

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