Chapter 8

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Song: Call me - slowed - plenka

To his surprise, Titan was actually there.


-Hey Moon!

-You're actually here.. erm.. I mean.. what was it that you wanted to tell me?

-What do you mean? You wanted to tell me something, right?

-What? No I thought- wait..

Europa and Ganymede grinned.

"Sh*t.. i knew I couldn't trust them... gosh diggity dang it.." (BAHAHAHA IM SORRY HE DIDN'T THINK THAT OK)

-What is it?

-They tricked us..

-Wait wha-

An astroid suddenly that hit Titans face suddenly cut him off.

-Yes, we tricked you. You guys are so easy to trick, you really do care for each other, huh? That's cute. Europa laughed.

-So you were right huh, Moon.. Titan had recovered from the, fortunately, small asteroid. It didn't do much damage to his surface.

-Why are you guys doing this? I thought we were getting along! (Deja vu?) Earth changed, can't you see that?

-Earth may have changed, but our planet haven't. We're still being treated as we were before, we tried talking but it's not working. We need to do more than that, we need to do something that's noticeable.

-I.. Listen, not all planets all the same.. If I talk to the Earth he could talk to Jupiter an-

-No! This is the only way!

Moon opened his mouth to say something again, but got cut off by an astroid hitting him. It was a bigger one than the one Titan got hit with. Moon was used to getting hit with astroids, when protecting the Earth. But these ones were a lot bigger. Before he could fight back, another one hit, and he lost consciousness.

Titan tired to fight back as well, but soon he too was defeated.

-That's step one done.. now onto step two. Europa panted.

And they started their course towards the Earth.

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