Chapter 7

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Song: Saturn (Instrumental) - Sleeping at last

-We attack today.

-But where? We can't attack him in his orbit because all the planets, or the sun, will see and stop us.

-We have to get him into the astroid belt.

-How would we do that? The only reason he did that last time was because we had his moon, we can't do that now. He wouldn't just go into the astroid belt for no reason, it's a danger to his earthlings.

-Right, but what if we gave him a reason to go into the astroid belt?

-What would that be then? We can't take his moon again, Europa.

-We could though. We take his moon, hide him, tell Earth that the moon went into the asteroid belt and got hurt and needs help.

-Hmm.. that could work actually... heh, you're too good at this babe.

Europa looked proud. And they started their plan.


It was night, moon was, as always, in his orbit around Earth. Earth was asleep from a long exhausting day with the never ending pollution and wars. Moon was awake though, watching over his sleeping planet. (What kind of drugs am I on??😭) Suddenly, two other moons appeared. Europa and Ganymede.

-What.. do you want? Earth's asleep... he said quietly not to wake the Earth, but also because he knew the truth.

-We're actually here for you, Moon.

"Did they find out I spied on them? No... that can't be... but then.. what do they want? It was the Earth- wait wait wait.. they're not planning to do what they did last time, right? If they capture me then..."

-Me? What could you possibly want from me?

-Can you come with us for a moment?

"No.. no I can not. I don't trust you. I know what you're planning-"

-I can't leave Earth, you know. What is it that you want?

-I'm sure he'll be fine for just a little bit, we really need your help moon. It's about Titan.

"Titan? Are they lying or..."

-Titan? What about him? Has something happened?

-Yes, he wants to see you, he has to tell you something important.

"They must be lying... but.. what if they're not? I can't trust them I can't trust them I can't trust the-"

-How important is it?

-It's very important. Listen, I can't tell you here because no one else can now. But if you come with us I'll tell you on the way.

".... Damn it..."

-Fine.. I'll come with you.

"This is such a bad idea, I know I can't trust them, but.." Moon sighed. He cared about Titan. (Ok you guys can decide if you want it to be a ship or not, originally it's not but to make this work I need them to care A LOT for each other so.. you decide. They could be really close friends too if you don't like the ship. Personally, I don't really have an opinion on it.)

-Great! Follow us...

And moon did so, he followed Europa and Ganymede to the asteroid belt.

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