Chapter 5

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Song: Tongue - Maribou, Holly Walker

They started to hang out with Earth much more often.

Europa and Ganymede wouldn't stop hanging out with Earth. It was very odd, moon thought. Those hated Earth before, now they suddenly changed? It was suspicious, enligt moon, but he pushed it away.

The other planets seemed to notice it as well, but they they didn't seem to care. Except Venus, who had also noticed that something was off. He didn't say anything though.


"Finally they left.." thought the moon.


-Yes moon?

-Don't you think.. well.. it's a little weird now that.. Europa and Ganymede is hanging out with you so much?

-Well.. I don't know.. I'm kind of happy they forgave me and that they wanna be friends. Besides, they seem nice.

"Too nice" moon thought, he didn't say that though.

-Well.. I'm happy you guys are getting along then. "Something is definitely not right. I need to find out what they're planning." He thought.

The next day he went to Titan, hoping that he would help him.

-Oh hey Moon! You're pretty far from your planet, doesn't he need you?

-I made sure someone's with him. Anyways, I need your help.

-Of course, what do you need?

-So you know how Ganymede and Europa has been hanging out with Earth a lot lately? Well, I think they're hiding something. I need you to help me find out what they're hiding.

-Moon.. just because they're hanging out with Earth more doesn't mean that they're planning something... you need to forget this. The revolution is over. Just be happy that they're finally getting along.

-But I swear they're planning something! I-

-Moon. I know you don't like them, I didn't either, but we have to move on from the past. They're not gonna do anything.

Moon was quiet for a few seconds, then nodded.

-Okay... fine...

-There ya go. Titan smiled. Moon smiled back. A fake smile. He knew something was up, and he was gonna find out what it was.

Moondust - Ver 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz