Canto 16: Vintage

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"Some truths, like aged wines, find their richness in shared moments, not hidden as fleeting whispers but poured into the glass of shared experiences."

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: Wuxia Studio

"I'll show, Tiantian around. Sixth Bro, bring Yin Guo with you," Wu Wei a playful smirk was playing on his lips. While looking at Lin Yiyang and Yin Guo.

"Ge! Not that nickname again," Meng Xiaotian protested. He hates that nickname that her sister keeps calling her in their home and now Wu Wei's too.

"Your Xiaojie keeps calling you that,"

"Whatever," Meng Xiaotian retorted with a grin. "Let's just get this tour over with. Then maybe we can ditch them and do something actually interesting."

"Meet back here in an hour, then," Wu Wei said, throwing a casual wave over his shoulder. He slung his arm around Meng Xiaotian's shoulders and they strolled away, leaving Yin Guo and Lin Yiyang standing awkwardly in their wake.

Lin Yiyang cleared his throat. "So, should we follow them?"

Yin Guo shrugged, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Maybe later. For now, let's see what this place has to offer."

Nearby, a bright neon sign blinked "DIY Menglong" amidst the bustling street scene. Lin Yiyang pointed towards it, a playful glint in his eyes. "How about some custom-made Menglong? There's a store just around the corner."

Yin Guo's eyes lit up with excitement. "A customized shop? Sounds interesting!"

Lin Yiyang internally noted that girls seemed to dig this kind of stuff.

He'd initially hesitated, worried her stomach wouldn't agree with ice cream after the cold, raw food they'd just eaten. But on second thought, the unique atmosphere and a cute photo opportunity outweighed the potential downside.

Plus, Wu Wei already knew the place they'd even had a playfully competitive "innocent date" there once, both ordering the same "Kiss me and I eat" ice cream. Lin Yiyang, ever the stoic observer, had questioned the need for a place with limited seating and wondered why anyone would go just for ice cream.

Seeing Yin Guo's enthusiasm, however, shifted his perspective. Suddenly, the prospect of creating and sharing a fun treat seemed well, fun.

But twenty minutes later, their excitement hit a wall (quite literally). After braving the biting wind for almost half an hour, they arrived at the brightly lit store only to find it eerily empty, with no staff in sight.

Uncertain glances were exchanged between the two, the promise of delicious ice cream melting away with the cold reality before them.

Lin Yiyang's gaze scanned the empty storefront, a frown tugging at his lips. Gone were the vibrant displays of colorful candies, replaced by a faded "Closed" sign that mirrored his mood. He pulled out his phone, the dial tone momentarily filling the quiet street.

"Why is the shop closed today?" Lin Yiyang directly asked Wu Wei when he answered his call.

A pause. Then, Wu Wei's voice came through, laced with regret. "Sorry, Lin Yiyang, bad news. I just found out the shop closed back in October. Guess we'll have to find another spot."

Lin Yiyang clicked the phone shut, the finality of the dial tone echoing in the silence. He didn't need to look, he could feel the weight of her gaze on him, warm and heavy like a winter coat. He turned, expecting a comment about the closed shop, but the sight that greeted him.

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