Canto 87: National Team Captain (2)

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The moon had slipped out from behind a cloud, bathing him in an ethereal glow that made him look like a creature out of a dream.” - Stephanie Meyer

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: M.H Lovecraft (Enochian_)

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The banquet pulsed with the murmur of conversation as players, both women and men, filled two separate tables. Lin Yiyang, engaged in a hushed conversation with Jiang Yang, reached for his chopsticks. His hand paused mid-air as his gaze met Yin Guo's across the expanse of tables. Dozens of faces blurred into a background hum as the leader's enthusiastic speech washed over the room. Yet, only her eyes held his attention.

A prickle of self-consciousness flickered across Yin Guo's skin. She darted her eyes away, the brief movement betraying a subtle guilt. Stealing a glance back, she found Lin Yiyang's gaze unwavering. Just as their connection threatened to crackle with unspoken words, a coach's hand landed on Lin Yiyang's shoulder, breaking the spell. He was drawn away, leaving Yin Guo with the lingering warmth of his stolen glance.

Unbeknownst to her, another pair of eyes had witnessed the silent exchange. Lin Lin, seated behind Yin Guo, wore a knowing smile that hinted at secrets yet to unfold.

Lin Lin's teasing voice cut through the air, "Sneaking glances like lovesick puppies, aren't we?"

Yin Guo flushed, her cheeks burning. "It's nothing like that," she mumbled, her voice barely a whisper. "We agreed on this before coming. He's the captain, you see, and can't exactly have everyone gossiping if..."

Lin Lin's smile was a knowing one, its edges tinged with a hint of melancholy. She slid a chopstick dish towards Yin Guo. "Did you know about your cousin's... abrupt exit at the competition thirteen years ago?"

Yin Guo's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "No, I... I thought he just wasn't doing well that year."

Public records only showed Meng Xiaodong's meteoric rise to fame at the age of fourteen. He entered the competition a year earlier, but his performance was shrouded in silence. The official records only stated a mid-tournament withdrawal.

"There's more to the story," Lin Lin said softly. "They all signed up at thirteen. Your cousin lost to Lin Yiyang in the group stage. So devastated, he quit right there. The next year, fueled by that 'rude Jin' incident, he stormed back and dominated the competition."

Lin Lin's gaze drifted across the room, lingering for a moment on Jiang Yang before settling on Meng Xiaodong. A knowing sigh escaped her lips as she leaned closer to Yin Guo. "Jiang Yang started young too, just thirteen when he entered the national competition."

Her voice softened further, tinged with a hint of wistfulness. "There's a curious overlap in their competitive years. Your brother, unfortunately, withdrew during his first year, while Lin Yiyang finished strong in his last. It's a fascinating coincidence, wouldn't you agree?"

The corner of Lin Lin's mouth quirked upwards, a hint of something unspoken flickering in her eyes. "Perhaps that's why the coaches always refer to them as players of the same era, strong rivals bound by a shared history."

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After dinner  . .

Yin Guo's shoulders slumped as she surveyed the emptying cafeteria. Disappointment gnawed at her. He hadn't come back. With a defeated sigh, she rose to leave, the dream of seeing him before bed fading with each departing figure.

Just as she reached the door, a familiar voice cut through the quiet night air. "Yin Guo?" She spun around, a gasp escaping her lips as relief and surprise washed over her. There, bathed in the soft moonlight, stood Lin Yiyang.

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