Canto 34:Undeterred

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"For the heart that truly loves, no miles are too many." - John Donne

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: Wuxia Studio


His right arm tightened, pulling Yin Guo into a close embrace. One arm remained protectively tucked against his side, unseen. His left hand gently cupped her head, guiding her to rest on his shoulder. He bowed his head, his hoarse voice a mere whisper against her ear, "It's okay, it's okay."

The words, heavy with emotion, echoed the journey etched on his face. The last five days, from the moment he bought the ticket, had been a whirlwind of travel - changing subways, waiting for trains, taking buses. All culminating in this single moment.

The familiar scent of Lin Yiyang filled her senses as she pressed her nose against his collarbone. Zheng Yi's teasing comment, "A good man smells good," flitted through her mind. This close, his scent was subtle, thankfully not unpleasant.

A smile tugged at her lips as she thought, "My mind really is all over the place."

Her voice, tinged with playful accusation, broke the silence, "You never told me! Not today, not even two days ago. I was so worried!"

He pressed his forehead against hers, the gesture a gentle plea for silence. "Alright, alright," he murmured, "Stop talking."

Pure exhaustion ravaged him. Every muscle screamed in protest, joints creaked with each movement, and his voice had thinned to a raspy whisper. Even his immune system seemed compromised, leaving her feeling utterly out of sorts. The first two days were the worst trapped in a physical prison, unable to even rise from bed. Today, thankfully, offered a small reprieve.

New York was out of the question this week. Illness forced him to cancel the trip, leaving a pile of accumulated tasks in its wake. But it wasn't just work that weighed on him. Sickness had left him pale and drawn, and he feared his appearance would dampen the joy of the game.

He never expected this silly girl to appear just like that, without a word of warning.

A girl who came from afar, putting in seemingly Herculean efforts, giving her all, it was enough to move anyone. But Yin Guo, she was different, different from the very beginning.

His hand lingered on her back, a silent question hanging in the air even after his lips formed the word, "Go." Confusion clouded Yin Guo's eyes. He clearly said he was leaving, yet his touch remained, grounding her.

"Where?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper, lips forming the question without sound.  A flicker of understanding crossed Yin Guo's face. She knew Lin Yiyang's penchant for spontaneous dinners, so she quickly added, "I ate on the train."

He pulled her close, the warmth of his body a stark contrast to the turmoil within her. He unlocked his phone and typed a question in the memo: "Have you booked a hotel?"

Yin Guo shook her head, the movement sending a pang through her lower back.

He continued typing: "Where do you want to live? I'll take you there."

The opulent hotels of Washington held no allure for Yin Guo.

He pulled her close, the warmth of his body a stark contrast to the turmoil within her. He unlocked his phone and typed a question in the memo: "Have you booked a hotel?"

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