Canto 95: Amidst A Snowstorm Of Love

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Sometimes we lose our way, but finding someone who gets lost with us is all the compass we need.” - Alexandra Elle 

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: Maimai Exclusive

This chapter is dedicated to;


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The crowd thinned like receding tides, leaving Yin Guo restless. She couldn't stay put, her energy crackling like beach lightning. With a burst, she sprinted towards the shore, the cool embrace of the sea beckoning.

Jet lag had turned days into nights and nights into restless dawns. Now, bathed in the inky cloak of nightfall, a forgotten memory surfaced. He hadn't gone down to the beach with everyone else.

Lin Yiyang remained rooted under the giant coconut tree, his gaze fixed on Yin Guo's retreating figure. He recalled her hair – a cascade of ebony that defied his pleas for a shorter cut.

It reached her waist, a stubborn streak he found oddly endearing. As she chased the retreating waves, her slender legs, like pale pillars, disappeared into the foamy embrace. Even from afar, he could sense her thinness, a detail that tugged at his heart.

Memories flickered, vivid as a snowstorm. Outside the hotel, a figure bundled in white wool a bonnet hat perched atop her head, casting a shadow over eyes that shone like black pearls.

With gloved fingers, she pulled down her scarf, revealing a full face. A shy smile tugged at her lips as she bowed, a gesture both polite and strangely rusty. There she stood, by the steps, beside her luggage, expressing a silent gratitude that echoed in his heart.

Back then, she was a mystery – a tourist, perhaps, a fleeting presence in the New York winter while he, a student, resided in Washington. Their paths crossed briefly, a chance encounter on a snowy night.

Would their stories ever intertwine again? Back then, the future was a clouded mirror.

A pang of self-reproach pierced him. He feels different, strangely drawn to her simple bow. An inexplicable urge to slow down time, to savor that fleeting moment. But he did nothing, remained a silent observer.

Years flowed by, etching themselves like lines on his face. He'd grown accustomed to his introverted ways.

Then, a twist of fate. Before disappearing into a yellow cab, her brother materialized, a whirlwind of apologies and requests. He insisted on Lin Yiyang's WeChat contact. Without hesitation, Lin Yiyang complied. It had been ages, an eternity almost since he'd added someone new.

Had it not been for her brother's intervention, the girl who bowed and thanked him would forever reside in the realm of forgotten memories, a phantom encounter with no future. But fate, a mischievous puppeteer, had intervened, intertwining their threads, and weaving a story yet to unfold.

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Yin Guo returned from the water, chased playfully by the waves. Lin Yiyang noticed Jiang Yang and Fan Wen approaching, but his attention remained fixed on Yin Guo. Casually, he tossed out a question, "What do you think? Beautiful, isn't she?"

His companions exchanged an awkward glance and mumbled a quick goodbye, opting for a strategic retreat. Chen An'an walked by, and Lin Yiyang repeated the query, "Is she beautiful? My wife?"

Chen An'an hesitated. Praising someone's girlfriend was a tightrope walk, so he opted for a graceful exit, melting back into the crowd.

A flicker of possessiveness crossed Lin Yiyang's face as he spotted someone watching Yin Guo. It was a young man, his gaze lingering a beat too long.

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