Chapter three, waterpark

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Kim Dokja and his family were invited to meet up with his family's family friends in an indoor water park. to have some fun. According to Persephone. Kim Dokja only came because he heard that there would be good food. Once they arrived at the water park, Kim Dokja was very surprised. And excited. But the slides were the place he wanted to go.

As they entered the bustling water park, Kim Dokja's excitement bubbled up within him, despite his initial reluctance. The vibrant atmosphere, filled with the sounds of splashing water and children's laughter, ignited a spark of anticipation in his heart.

Persephone, his loving adoptive mother, noticed the change in his demeanor and offered him an encouraging smile.

"Looks like it's going to be a fantastic day, doesn't it?"

she remarked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.Kim Dokja nodded eagerly, his eyes scanning the array of thrilling attractions before him. The towering water slides beckoned to him like giant serpents, promising an exhilarating adventure.With a grin, Kim Dokja wasted no time in making his way towards the slides, his parents following closely behind. He couldn't contain his excitement as he imagined the rush of wind and water as he hurtled down the slides.

Reaching the base of the tallest slide, Kim Dokja's heart raced with anticipation. Without hesitation, he climbed the stairs to the summit, his pulse quickening with each step.At the top, he paused to take in the breathtaking view before him. From this vantage point, he could see the entire water park spread out below, a kaleidoscope of colors and laughter.With a sense of exhilaration coursing through him, Kim Dokja positioned himself at the edge of the slide and pushed off, hurtling down towards the pool below with a whoop of delight. The wind whipped through his hair as he twisted and turned, feeling weightless for a brief, fleeting moment.

Splash! Kim Dokja emerged from the water with a grin plastered on his face, his heart racing with excitement. As he climbed out of the pool, he couldn't help but laugh, feeling a sense of joy and freedom wash over him.As Kim Dokja rejoined his family at the edge of the pool, his parents cheered him on, their eyes shining with pride.

"Wasn't that amazing, Dokja?"

Persephone exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight.Kim Dokja could only nod, the rush of adrenaline still coursing through his veins.

"That was incredible! Can we do it again?"

he asked eagerly, already eyeing the slide for another go.

Hades chuckled softly, ruffling Kim Dokja's hair affectionately.

"We'll see, kiddo. Let's explore some of the other attractions first,"

he suggested, his tone warm and indulgent.With a nod of agreement, Kim Dokja followed his parents as they embarked on a journey to explore the rest of the water park. They tried out the lazy river, floated leisurely under the sun, and even braved the wave pool, laughing and splashing each other as they rode the gentle waves.

As they made their way to the lazy river, Kim Dokja found himself drifting along with the gentle current, enjoying the peaceful serenity of the water. Beside him, his parents floated leisurely, their smiles reflecting the tranquility of the moment.

Persephone reached out and took Kim Dokja's hand, squeezing it affectionately.

"Isn't this just lovely, darling?"

she murmured, her gaze soft as she looked at him.Kim Dokja nodded, a serene smile gracing his lips.

"Yeah, it's nice to just relax and take it all in,"

he replied, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him.As they floated along, Kim Dokja couldn't help but reflect on how much fun he was having. Despite his initial reluctance to come to the water park, he was grateful to his parents for convincing him to join them. The day had turned out to be even better than he had expected, and he was enjoying every moment of it.

After a while, they decided to take a break and grab some food from one of the park's cafes. Kim Dokja's stomach growled at the thought of the delicious treats that awaited them, and he eagerly followed his parents towards the nearest food stand.

The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air as they approached the stand, and Kim Dokja's mouth watered at the sight of the mouthwatering array of snacks and meals on offer. From savory burgers to sweet ice cream cones, there was something for everyone to enjoy.As they sat down to eat, Kim Dokja savored every bite of his meal, feeling grateful for the opportunity to spend quality time with his family. They laughed and joked together, sharing stories and memories as they enjoyed their food.

Persephone recounted tales from her own childhood, regaling Kim Dokja with stories of her adventures in the water parks of her youth. Hades shared anecdotes from his own experiences, offering words of wisdom and encouragement to his son.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the water park, Kim Dokja's parents suggested they try one last attraction before heading home. Excitement bubbled up in Kim Dokja once again as they headed towards the wave pool, the sound of crashing waves growing louder with each step.

When they arrived, Kim Dokja's eyes widened at the sight of the massive pool, its surface rippling with artificial waves. He watched as families laughed and played in the water, enjoying the thrill of the waves crashing against them.

Without hesitation, Kim Dokja waded into the pool, the cool water enveloping him as he moved deeper. His parents followed close behind, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the waves.As the waves grew stronger, Kim Dokja's heart raced with excitement. He ducked and dived, riding the waves with exhilaration as they crashed over him. His parents joined in the fun, splashing and laughing alongside him as they embraced the chaos of the moment.

For Kim Dokja, it was a moment of pure joy and freedom, a chance to let go of all worries and simply be present in the moment with his loved ones. As the sun dipped below the horizon and the water park began to empty out, Kim Dokja couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over him.

As they dried off and made their way back to the car, Kim Dokja's parents exchanged knowing smiles. It had been a day filled with laughter, adventure, and unforgettable memories, and they knew that they would cherish it for years to come.

As they drove home, the memories of their day at the water park lingered in the air, filling them with warmth and happiness. And as they settled in for the night, Kim Dokja couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. No matter what challenges lay ahead, he knew that as long as he had his family by his side, he could overcome anything.

Back at home, Kim Dokja couldn't resist the urge to reminisce about the day's adventures. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through the photos he had taken, each one capturing a precious moment shared with his family.

As he looked at the pictures, a smile tugged at his lips. There were snapshots of him flying down the water slides, his hair streaming behind him as he laughed with abandon. There were images of his parents, their faces lit up with joy as they joined him on each thrilling ride. And there were candid shots of them all splashing around in the wave pool, their laughter echoing through the air.

Lost in the memories, Kim Dokja felt a surge of gratitude for his parents. They had always been there for him, supporting him and encouraging him to embrace life to the fullest. Today had been no exception – they had gone out of their way to make sure he had the best time possible, and he couldn't thank them enough for it.With a contented sigh, Kim Dokja set his phone aside and settled into bed. As he drifted off to sleep, he knew that he would carry the memories of this day with him forever. And as he dreamed of future adventures yet to come, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. After all, with his loving family by his side, anything was possible.

'' Love Hidden '' (ORV fanfiction, BL. Kdj X Yjh. Highschool AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora