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Lily walks down the stairs into the kitchen stopping in her tracks and gasps

Klaus/Alaric: Hello Lily. How's it going?

Klaus/Alaric is chopping some food with a big knife. Jenna, Lily, and Stefan are looking at him.

Klaus/Alaric: You know, I find chopping...calming. The feel of the blade in the hand, maybe.

Jenna: I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what the hell's going on.

Klaus/Alaric: Well, would you like to tell her, Stefan, Lily, or should I?

Jenna: Tell me what?

Klaus/Alaric: Do you believe in vampires, Jenna? No? Well, who does, right? But believe it or not, they do have a place in our history. And as a history teacher, I find them fascinating.

Jenna: Why are we talking about this?

Klaus/Alaric: Well, you've been angry with me for keeping secrets, and this is one of my secrets. I'm obsessed with vampires. There. I said it.

He laughs

Klaus/Alaric: Are you a fan of vampires, Stefan? Lily, do believe in soulmates?

Stefan glances at Lily with a distrustful glare, Lily plays with her fingers nervously.

Stefan: In literature. Bram Stoker. It's dense, but I appreciate it.

Klaus/Alaric: Hmm. Did you know that vampires are the oldest creatures of the night? Except for werewolves, of course.

Jenna: Werewolves. Werewolves. Now I know you're joking.

Klaus/Alaric: You know, I've read that there's an Aztec curse on both species that keeps werewolves slaves to the Moon and vampires bound by the Sun. Isn't that right, Stefan, Lily? You know, they say these creatures would do anything to have this curse broken and that they wouldn't care who they had to kill to do it.

Lily shallows a nervous gulp

Klaus/Alaric: Oh, I know this all sounds so crazy, but...vampires are real. Would you care for some more wine?

Lily: Get out!

Klaus/Alaric: Excuse me?

Lily: I don't know why you're doing this or what your reason is but get out. You too, Stefan.

Stefan: Lily---

Lily: GET OUT!!!

Klaus/Alaric: I'm afraid I don't want to.

Jenna: Fine then we'll go

Klaus/Alaric picks up a knife and shoves Lily against the wall holding the knife to her throat

Jenna: LILY!!

She looks at Stefan


Stefan doesn't move a muscle. He's more then willing to let Lily die if it meant protecting Elena. He sighs, rolling his eyes and grabs him and pushes him against the wall with his super speed and puts the knife on his throat.

Jenna: Stefan!!

Stefan: Jenna, get out of here now!

Klaus/Alaric: You can't kill me, Stefan.

Stefan: Watch me!

Jenna: Stefan!

Klaus/Alaric: I may not have a witch protecting me today, but if you kill this body, what's to stop me from choosing Jenna as my next one?

Stefan: Jenna, go.

Jenna: But you're...you...

He looks at Lily with glare

Stefan: I'll deal with you later, traitor.

Lily sobs as she runs out of the kitchen, tears in her eyes and runs upstairs slamming the door to her bedroom.

Stefan: Now about Lily? Is she your soulmate? If she is, you can take her and leave Elena alone

Klaus/Alaric: Oh Stefan. Stefan, she's not my soulmate through I wish she was. Maybe I'll change that.

Stefan: Whose is she?

Klaus/Alaric: My whore of a mother, that's who. We have a common enemy it seems, Stefan.


Esther walks through the woods, hands clasped behind her back. She comes up to a steam, smiling when she lays eyes on a beautiful brown hair girl kneeling down waving her hand through the water

Esther: There you are

The girl turns around and stands up, smiling at her

Clara: There you are.

She walks closer to her throwing her arms around her neck, kissing her warmly on the lips. Esther cup her face in her hands moving her lips passionately against hers.

Clara: I missed you

Esther: I am sorry. Mikael senses something is wrong. He's getting suspicious of where I go on my walks.

Clara: I wish you would run away with me.

Esther: Where would we go?

Clara: Anywhere we want to. Somewhere far away where Mikael cannot find us. We'll build ourselves a hut and be happy.

Esther smiles brushing a lock of her hair out of her face tucking it behind her ear

Esther: I love you, Clara.

Clara: I love you too, Esther

Their lips meet once again in a warm loving passionate kiss.

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