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Elena gasps for air and wakes up. It's morning. Lily is sitting on the end of her bed, watching her. She seems confused about what is going on around her.

Elena: Lil?

Lily: Hey. I'm right here. You've been in and out for hours.

Elena: Wh-what happened?

Lily: You were in an accident.

Elena: Oh my God. Matt is he...?

Lily: He's okay. Ask Damon, the asshole. When Jeremy brought you to the hospital before all this happened, your injuries were worse than anyone knew. Meredith Fell made a choice, she used Damon's blood to heal you. And when Rebekah ran Matt's truck off the road, you had vampire blood in your system, Elena.

Elena: Oh my God. Does - does that mean that I – am I dead?

Lily: I talked to Bonnie, she says she's stronger than ever, there might be something that she can do to help you.

Elena: [crying] I was ready to die. I was supposed to die. I don't – I don't want to be – I can't be a vampire! If there's something that Bonnie can do we have to try.

Lily: We will. We'll try everything.

She stands up and walks out of the room.


Lily walks into the house heading into the kitchen, opening the fridge and takes out a bottle of water. Esther enters the kitchen

Esther: How is she doing, darling?

Lily: Scared. I never wanted this for her but at the same time, I'm happy she's alive even through she's in transition.

Esther wraps her arms around her while Lily buries her head into her chest, Esther runs her hand through her hair kissing her on the side of the head.


Lily reaches into her purse and pulls out a box and walks into the bathroom closing the door behind her

Downstairs, there's a knock at the door. Esther stands up from the couch and opens the door seeing Pastor Young and two deputies

Paster Young: You're coming with us, Esther Mikaelson

Esther: Says who?

Pastor Young: Pastor Young. You're the mother of the Originals and you're gonna help us kill them all.

Esther: Why don't you come in here and make me?

Pastor Young: Either you come with us or I'll have Lily Gilbert killed.

He goes to step inside the door but stops when he trips and falls into a barrier, his face crunches up in a weird manner

The deputies snickers at this

Esther: I'm sorry but I took precautions. Threaten my wife ever again and I won't think twice, I will kill you.

She slams the door right in his face

Pastor Young: AH MY NOSE!!!

Esther smirks walking up the stairs and into the master bedroom, she sits down on the bed waiting patiently for her wife who's still in the bathroom.

She looks up when the door opens and Lily leaves the bathroom. Esther stands up noticing tears in her wife's eyes

Esther: Darling? What's wrong?

Lily holds up a pregnancy test, Esther's face falls seeing it's negative.

Lily: It's negative.

Esther: Oh my love........

She wraps her arms around her as Lily buries her head in her chest and begins crying.

Lily: I was certain I was-----I wanted to be pregnant.

Esther: We'll just have to keep trying, darling. We won't stop until we have a child of our own.

Lily: I love you

Esther: I love you too, Lily Flower.

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